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It was a day like any other. Karl woke up a few hours ago in his mushroom house. Oh what a nice day today was going to be! He heard someone say that it will rain today. How fun! He could go to the library, read some books, maybe try writing some of his memories down as well- if any come to him. Oh how nice today was going to be, and oh how much nicer would it be if Karl remembered more than just his name and the name of his country. Hey what was the name of the man running around the kingdom? George? No... no it can't be. George is the one sleeping in the room above to his. Yes! Goerge is the one who always sleeps! George is also the one he explored that shipwreck with! Yes! He and George looked for treasure together. So that means the man in shiny armor must be Sapnap. Oh his friend Sapnap. Yes that was it! His friend Sapnap, the head of his military and his best friend. And before that Sapanap was a gladiator right? No that wasn't Sapnap was it? It must have been, he looks so similar! Yes it must have been! If only Karl remembered that day a little more clearly. Did Karl have any other friends? Surely he did. But he couldn't remember any now.

No matter! Today was going to be a good day! Why waste it making yourself sad over your memory loss you can't tell anyone- even your best friend- about? Oh why bother with that! Karl shook his head viciously. Good day! He repeated to himself. Good... day...

Climbing down the ladder of his house he heard Sapnap speaking to himself. "Maybe I could go to town today? See what changed here? Oh I can see if Foolish is around! He could help us with the interior of our military base." He murmured while walking past. "Sapnap!" Karl called out, catching the man's attention.
"Good Morning, Sapnap." He spoke again.
"Morning? It's almost noon already." Sapanap smiled.
"Oh I just woke up. Anyways, how are you? What are you up to?"
"Not much. Might go look for Foolish later."
"Sure of course. Haven't seen him in a while right?" Foolish? Who was Foolish? Karl heard the name before for sure, but couldn't place a finger in it just quite.
"He is probably working on his summer home again. That desert temple is massive! Have you even seen it?"
"No. I don't think-" Karl searched in his jumbled memory for any mentions of sand, desert or a summer home but found nothing. He remembered- wait? No! That wasn't right! That isn't the man Sapanap talked about! But his name was the same? Karl thought. No, Karl definitely met a Foolish, but not here. Not in this timeline! It surely must have been a different one. Such an enormous pyramid! No man could ever build that on his own? Yet Karl couldn't remember when was it that he visited that timeline. Or what he did there. He must check his records later. If the building is as grand as he remembers it now, it will surely be in his notes somewhere!
"Anyways. I'll uhhh. I'll see you around." Karl excused himself from the conversation and went to find himself some food. It isn't good to think on an empty stomach anyways.

Ha! It did start to rain! And look, Karl even remembered it was going to rain today! Maybe his memory wasn't as bad as he made it up to be anyways! So what was he going to do if it would rain? Nope, memory is still as bad as it was. Anyways, is Sapnap back already? He talked to Sapanap today right? Or was it yesterday? Or a year ago? Who knew? Sapnap probably...
Karl walked around in the rain, hoping to come up with at least one concrete memory from today. In the distance he saw the library- the oldest building in the kingdom, right? No, no, that was the party Island. Yes it must have been! He remembers the party island from way back! Way before the library!

Without a second thought Karl walked into the book filled building, taking his jacket off and placing it on a nearby bench to dry. Hours passed. The sky got dark and he remained in the library. Safe from the rain. Safe from any outside danger if any would ever come.

Karl was just about to turn a page- reading books always intrigued him- when he heard footsteps from the outside. Turning around, he saw two men. One he recognized after a while- Sapnap! The other however, was weird. Karl must have seen him before, but no name or memory came to mind. Nothing but a single feeling of fear and mistrust. Why was Sapanap with this man? Was that the Foolish guy that Sapnap talked about today? Or whenever it was... No, Foolish wasn't a threat! Karl was quite sure of that and feelings were the only thing nowadays he could rely on. Hiding behind a pillar, Karl waited for the men to enter. Sapnap went all the way inside while the other stayed on the ledge, staring right at Karl. It scared him! Who was this man and why did Karl's intuition tell him he wasn't good?
"Karl!" Sapanp spoke enthusiastically. "Karl, I brought Quackity!"
Well that was a name Karl forgot. "Hi!" He mimicked Sapnap's energy, ignoring his body's urge to walk away as far as possible. Karl approached this Quackity unsurely.
"Hi, how are you?" He asks.
"I'm fine. I'm doing good." Silence emerged from the depths of the conversation and Karl was left clueless at what to say. "Haven't seen each other in a while. How have you been?" This Quackity sure isn't happy to be here! Karl thinks.
"Yeah. I've been good! You know, working on this place! Do you want a tour?" Karl snatched the lead that Quackity threw him and decided to run with it. They haven't seen each other in a while! That's good! That means Karl can talk about Kinoko and nothing else!

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