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   John was putting his coat on and descending the stairs, about to leave his office for home, when he heard someone banging at the door.

He reached for it. He had barley opened the door when a body collapsed on him, causing him to lose his balance. A Yelp escaped from the doctor's throat.

His hand caught the rail just before they would have fell on the ground. He steadied himself, then noticed the other man was staring to fall again.

  He pulled the man up, and realized how familiar his features were.

   "Mr. Holmes?!"

   All he got in response was a muffled sound. The detective couldn't stand on his own, so John had to hold him. He sniffed the air in search of the smell of alcohol, but found nothing. That's when he remembered his patient's drug addiction.

   "How much have you taken?"

Not hearing any answer, John snapped his fingers, trying to gather Sherlock's attention. The detective's pupil were doubled in size, his gaze hazy and unfocused. He was beginning to slump down again. John held him.

"I'm going to call for an ambulance."

Sherlock's weight shifted.

"No," he said in an unexpectedly lucid tone.

John ignored his complaints and fished for his phone his pocket. Sherlock took it from him.

"Give it back!"

"You cannot call them!" Sherlock yelled as his hallucinations came back, "They can't see me like this! I can't go!" His legs gave out and he started to fall once more, his mind invaded by deranged visions. "Please." That was the last word that left his lips before he blacked out.

Chemical Disaster {JOHNLOCK}Where stories live. Discover now