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So. Yes. I have a lot to say, but I'll condense it all because I know how annoying everlasting author's notes are. Most of us, readers, don't even read on, and honestly we can't be blamed (so much other stories to read and so little free time, right?)

Anyway. First of all, thanks to all of you who have read my fan fiction until the very end!!! For those who had to wait a long time for the chapters, I'm so, so, so sorry. I know I took forever. I hope that despite slow updates, you enjoyed reading them, and that they were worth it.

If you guys find any grammar mistake or incoherence in the plot, or if you have any suggestions, please comment them here!!! I'm eager to improve my writing, and I can only do that with you guys' help :)

Also, just curious, which one was you favorite chapter?

Btw, if you happen to ship Drarry too, check out my other fanfic!!!
You can find it on my profile, but here's the link:

Here's a little bonus, one of my favorite Johnlock memes:

Here's a little bonus, one of my favorite Johnlock memes:

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And this one too:

Again, thanks for reading <3And

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Again, thanks for reading <3
And... if you liked my story, don't forget to vote ;)
Bye guys~

Chemical Disaster {JOHNLOCK}Where stories live. Discover now