Huntress becomes the hunted

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                    Riley and Silas ride through the woods heading towards Hornwood lands, hoping to gain House Hornwood's help against Ramsay. The woods around them were absolutely silent, causing Riley to pull the reins on the horse, forcing it to stop. Silas stops his horse next to her, "What's wrong?" he signs.

                    "Something's wrong. It's far too quiet," Riley explained when an arrow flew towards her face out of nowhere, but she unbelievably caught it with her bare hand inches from her face. Both Riley and Silas look at the arrow in surprise when horsemen ride towards them from behind and in front of them. Riley and Silas move their horses off the path riding away as fast as they can as Bolton's men chase them. Riley notices that the men weren't trying to catch them but were herding them to a kill zone. Before she could warn Silas, waves of arrows crashed down on them. They both jump off their horses as hundreds of arrows cut through their flesh. Riley tries to crawl away, but an arrow impales her in the leg, causing her to gasp out in pain. Silas sees another wave of arrows darkening the sky as they fly towards him. He looks at his shield, then at Riley, who struggles to move with an arrow in her leg. Silas rushes forward and jumps on top of Riley, knocking the air out of her as he holds his shield over their bodies.

                    "Silas....," Riley gasped as she struggled to breathe. Arrows impale everything around them, and the loud thud sound fills Riley's ears as they hit Silas's shield, but that sound soon turns into a deafening crack. The young Stark looks up at her friend as blood begins to spill from his lips. Horror fills Riley's eyes as she takes Silas's face between her hands, ", no!" she cried out in devastation as her friend looked down at her with a smile. Silas lets go of his shield, but the arrows embedded into it hold it against his back. 

                    He sits back on his knees before Riley, grunting in pain as he struggles to move his hands, "I believe in you," he signed with love and devotion in his eyes that slowly slipped away as his head slowly falls forward and his last breath leaves his blood-stained lips. Tears fill Riley's eyes as she reaches out for Silas, but something hard hits her on the back of the head, knocking her unconscious.

                    Bolton's men stood by a fire as the moon rose deep in the woods. An unconscious Riley is tied to a torture cross with the arrow gone from her leg. Ramsay Bolton emerged from the trees on his horse with his ravenous hounds at his side along with Sansa. Sansa's deep blue eyes widen as one of the soldiers yanks Riley's head up by her hair. The pain woke Riley, and the first thing she sees is her beautiful little sister looking at her with fear in her eyes. "Sansa...," Riley whispered in shock, but suddenly Ramsay slapped her, causing her head to whip to the side.

                   "If you think this has a happy reunion, you haven't been paying attention to you're surroundings," he said with a wicked smile. Riley turns her head, glaring at him, then spits in his face. Rage fills Ramsay's eyes as he wipes the spit from his face.

                    "Ramsay please she...," Sansa pleaded, but he interrupted her as he punched Riley in the face repeatedly. A few minutes later, Ramsay steps away from Riley and signals one of his men to hand him a heated dagger.

                    "Let's play a game. You tell me what I want to know, and I might let you live," Ramsay explained with a smirk as he stepped towards Riley with the dagger. "Which houses have joined you against me?" he asked, but Riley stayed silent. Ramsay slashes at Riley's face leaving a cut from above her right eyebrow to the left of her jawline. Riley bites her lip to keep from screaming, causing her lip to bleed as the heat of the blade cauterizes the wound. "One of my men saw you leaving Bear Island. Did Lady Mormont vow to aid house Stark?" he asked. 

                    Riley looked over at her sister, hating that she was causing her pain. "My sister and I will be the last thing you ever see, Ramsay Snow," Riley spat as she glared at him. Ramsay rips her cloth shirt open and cuts her stomach repeatedly. Then Riley's body collided with the cold hard ground after being untied suddenly. 

                   "If you make it out of the woods, you win," Ramsay explained as Riley pushed herself from the ground looking over at Sansa. Riley wanted to free her sister and kill Ramsay, but she was weaponless.

                     "Run," Sansa mouthed as tears stained her cheek. Riley struggled to her feet and limped into the woods. She begins to run as she hears the dogs bark and howl as the chase begins.

                    Riley runs through a stream of ice-cold water, "Rip her! Rip her! Rip her!" Ramsay's screams echo throughout the woods around her. Riley makes it to the other side and runs down a small hill when one of Ramsay's hounds comes from behind, biting into her right arm and yanking her into the dirt. Riley cries out as the hound's canines tear into her flesh. She reaches around and punches the dog in the face, but it only bites down harder, painting the ground with Riley's blood. Riley reaches for a rock when Rhaella comes out from the shadows biting into the hound's back leg, causing it to release Riley's arm. The hound snaps at Rhaella's face forcing her to let go of its leg. They both circle each other, snarling and baring their fangs. The hound pounced on Rhaella, causing them to roll around, snapping and clawing at each other. In a matter of seconds, Rhaella pins the hound beneath her and rips its throat out. Riley reaches out to Rhaella but recoils as an arrow lands between them. Riley and Rhaella both scattered as the sound of hooves grew closer. Riley's heart races and her lungs burn as she struggles to breathe as she runs through the woods. Ramsay grows closer on his stead as his hounds howl in excitement. Riley sees she is coming to a dead end as she grows closer to a cliffside. She had two choices she could take her chances with Ramsay and his hounds or take a leap of faith and see how badly the Lord of Light truly needs her. Time seemed to slow as the hounds were just inches away from Riley, but as they went to bite at her feet, she jumped right over the ledge of the cliff. Her body tumbles through the air as if it was a feather, and at that moment, all Riley could think about was Daenerys beautiful smile and stunning violet eyes. Her body crashes into the river below but doesn't resurface.

                    The sun cuts through the trees hitting Rhaella's wet golden fur as she pulls an unconscious Riley from the water. Rhaella whines as she licks her mistress's pale face, but nothing happens. She pushes her snout against Riley's cheek, but still, nothing happens. Rhaella growls and barks in her mistress's face. Riley's eyes snapped open, and she lunged to the side, coughing up water. "G...good girl," Riley whispered as she ran her fingers through Rhaella's fur seeking its warmth.

                    "Riley?" Corin called out as she walked out from some bushes. "Baron! I found her!" She yelled as she rushed to Riley's side. Baron soon appeared with a few of the Brotherhood Without Banners men. Riley tries to stand, but her body aches in protest, and her vision blurs as she falls forward into Baron's arms.

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