1 - The Announcement

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A/N: First official chapter now! Have a good read, I hope!

TW: Vulgar Language, Nyctophobia, Stalking, Hackers.


UA School for Heroes, Musutafu, Japan


*~Third Person POV~*

Aizawa had a late night, so he was in his yellow sleeping bag, there before the students. By the time that he had woken up again, everyone else was already there. He drousily got up and went over to the desk, remembering his announcement.

 "Problem children! I have an announcement. I need everyone silent, it's important." The class settled down as told, but Aizawa was dozing off again, whilst standing.

 "Oi hobo! What's your 'big announcement'? Have you finally bought a house or is there something else worth me listening to?" Katsuki said with a growl and a raised voice. Aizawa was uneffected, knowing that the teen didn't mean harm.

 "Right. You all must know of the new villain that has made some... appearances," the pro hero stated, now awake. The villain hasn't been seen in person, rather... digitally. Not even showing a face through the screen, however. " -and that a team of pros have been searching for evidence to tie them to the LOV with no luck. UA has advised us to not leave school grounds unless absolutely necessary. And will authorise a 'buddy system'. " After getting a few confused faces, Aizawa continued further.

 "Basically, if you leave the buildings and/or classrooms, leave with a buddy. Someone whom you trust. This villain could be any one of us, and has already caused terror."

 " What the fuck is so scary about this new, shitty gamer villain anyway? " Bakugou asked, leaning back in his chair.

 "I'm not glad you asked, but I'd still have to explain. You see, with hacking and other things, they have managed to obtain classified information on pro heroes, battle plans, and shut off a building's utilities or security. Then sell off the information to other villains for the villains to know our every move. Our team has tracked one transaction that matches a recent battle with the LOV, but there is no further activity from the LOV in the matter." Aizawa explained to an inwardly shocked Bakugou; he was scowling. 

 "So we're all pretty much in lockdown?" Mina asked from the second-to-front and far right of the class.

 "Yes Mina. We have fire walls and people's tech quirks to help protect us. We will talk more on this tomorrow, for now just follow the rules and pay attention to lessons. I'm gonna go on break." He replied as he slips back behind the desk.

The class breaks into conversations, and soon the day's lessons end.

*** With the Bakusquad after School ***

 "Do you guys think that the villain will end up hacking us??" Denim asked, walking backwards in front of the group of literal and figurative buddies that he is apart of, towards the dorms.

 "No, the school's protected or whatever. If they get in, then the people doing their jobs suck." Just as Bakugou finished speaking, the group stopped gossiping about it, knowing that if the villain did hack in and/or sell information to villains, they'd be able to protect eachother.

The dorms were about 400 yards away, when the lights all suddenly turned off. The whole building went dark. They heard screaming and turned around at the UA building. It was also completely dark. The screams stopped too. But not as if people disappeared.

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