Indigo Nights || oneshot

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It was already late at night. The blinking hues of orange and yellows of the city, contrasting the cobalt sky as you watched them sitting on the bed. The silent wonders of Cairo along with the faint sounds of crickets tries to outshine them. The amber colored drapes sway graciously, letting the cool breeze pass through the window, cooling your grimy skin. Only the dim light of the lanterns illuminates the whole room you and Marc are taking in.

Exhausted from all the fight earlier this evening as your body began to sore and dealing later on with Marc's frustration towards you. You divert yourself, staring at the clouds gradually separate, revealing the silvery glow of the moon that lightens up the starry night. You let out your breath as you contemplated all those things Harrow told you hours ago.

Sweat trickling down on your face, specks of dust coating your skin in the middle of the impenetrable darkness. Your head throbbed from the haze, closing your eyes for a while before lifting up your chin. Harsh white light met your eyes once again, remembering where you were, squinting from the light casting down on you. Both hands restrained from the chains behind your back.

You rolled up your shoulders, relieving the soreness of your back from the position you were in. Shaking your head from the searing pain on the side of your face started to appear once again from the contact of the cane awhile ago. 'Can't wait to go home and sleep', you thought while twisting the bonds you were held in.

As you try to break free from this place, a sudden coldness of the atmosphere in the room makes you uneasy, causing you to pause. The uncanny feeling of a pair of eyes steadily watching you out of your sight. Examining every action you do, waiting for your next move.

"Whatever you do to me, I will never be one of you!" Lifting your chin up facing the empty space, "We will find it first before you can get to her. Show yourself!"

Harrow submerged from the darkness right at the corner of your eye. Hearing the unmistakable sounds of glass crunching in his shoes along the tap of his staff. Gathering all your rage into a tightened fist as he stepped near the light.

"Wasting such potential is abominable. for the person like you who can bring balance over this chaos." Placing his staff in front of you.

You glared at him right into his soul, "and for what cost? Just pick up and kill anybody, to 'heal' this fucking ideal place of yours."

He sighed, closing his eyes for a while seemingly frustrated by this conversation. His feet strolled up towards you cringing at the sounds of his footsteps, completely ignoring your words. You silently gulped as he came closer before he leaned his head near to you, "You call me a monster, as if you, yourself. The one who fears the most, Sekhmet."

Harrow moved away from you, pacing back to his place. Your eyes opened wide as the pulse rang into your ears. Dread slowly poisoning in your mind, blinking from what you just heard. Keeping your stance, not letting him receive the satisfaction he wanted, unflinching, pushing your fear at the back.

He circled you nonchalantly, before he opened his mouth, "An itch you can't get rid off, echoing in your head, telling you to punish. To hear those pleasant sounds of their skin, blood gushing out from their bodies. To see their frightened look in their tearful eyes, begging you to let them live. Unimaginable rage, devouring everyone who comes nearby. Setting the world on fire as it crumbles from your own hands makes you feel more alive."

A twisted smirk formed on his mouth, stopping at the middle, "it is still there, waiting to lash out to serve again its duty, we are just the same."

"We are not," you pressed, "you are insane, fooling everyone with some delusion of this monster," you grunted, frustration surrounding each words. "Marc will find you and we will do anything to stop this bullshit." Giving him a warning look as you fought the pain growing in your chest.

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