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Name: Y/N  L/N 

Age: 15

Height (your height but your a little shorter then Bakugo)

Hair color: h/c

Eye color: e/c

Quirk: Force 

Basically you can move anything with your hands. If you make a fist then whatever item your holding will crush (if it's a person they will feel like there being crushed). Your quirk is handy but when you use it too much your muscles get sore and if you use it ALOT then you cough out blood but that rarely happens. 


Kendo L/N 

Age: 4

Gender: Girl

Height: (around 3ft) 

She loves "cooking" and usually has her hair in pigtails or high ponytail. Her favorite color is purple.

Kakita L/N 

Age: 8 

Gender: Girl

Height: 3ft and 11 inches 

Kakita is a twin,! She loves to annoy her brother Kyoto and is always helping her other 2 siblings when your not around. She is very helpful and tries to do everything she can to make life easier for them

Kyoto L/N 

Age: 8 

Gender: Male

Height: 4 ft 

Kyoto loves video games and annoying y/n. He is overprotective with his 3 other siblings. His favorite colors are blue and black. He might not act like it most of the time but he's a huge softie. 

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