Chapter 2 (First Day of UA)

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"You got your book bags?"




"Y/NN we're fine!!" Kyoto whined. Kendo giggled and Kakita smacked Kyoto at the back of his head.

 "She's just making sure we have everything!! Appreciate it!" You kneeled down to there height and said," I know I'm just worried"

"We're gonna be fine Y/N! I promise" Kakita said with a cheerful grin. "Yeah!" Kendo said with her fist in the air. Kyoto scoffed and turned to the side to hide his smile. 

"If anyone should be nervous it's you! Your going to UA!!" Kakita said. "Yeah it's crazy right?" You replied. You stood straight when you saw the bus pull up. "BYE GUYS, LOVE YOU!!" you called out to them.

You watched as the bus turned and disappeared around the corner. You sighed and started walking toward UA. Your uniform had fit just perfectly but you weren't that happy about wearing a skirt, it wasn't all that comfortable. 

You finally arrived, you stood in awe looking at the big school. 'I'm going here' you said mentally. You were pushed back into reality when you felt a bump on your shoulder. 

You turned to see a girl with pink skin and pink hair. "Oh- sorry!" You smiled warmly and replied," No your fine, I just got distracted that's all." She smiled back and said," Oh ok well then I'm Mina Ashido! Nice to meet you!" You said," I'm Y/N L/N nice to meet you as well".

 You two started to walk more towards the gate when you heard someone call Mina's name. You turned around to see Kirishima waving and calling her name. She ran towards him and stared in awe at his hair. 

"Wow KIRI! Your hairs AWESOME" She stated. He said thanks and turned to me," Oh L/N I see you got in too! "Congrats!"

 "Yeah, Nice to see you again too Kirishima" 

"So where are you two heading?" The red head asked. "We're going to class 1-A!" Mina replied. "Great! I'm in that class too!"

 After walking through the school we finally found a huge door with the name 1-A. 

 Kirishima opened it to find the same boy I saw at the entrance exam and the restaurant. He was yelling at a tall boy with glasses and hands making a robotic gesture.

"Did your old school put a stick up your ass or were you born with one?" He said with a cocky smirk 

"Your behavior is unbelievable!!" The tall male replied. He smirk faded when he laid eyes on me. He immediately got up and headed towards my direction.


"No but I certainly feel bad for someone who is" "I can't tolerate you for one second" you said while walking toward the seat behind him. 

He grabbed your arm before you can reach there and screamed" WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR TALKING TO EXTRA" 

You simply replied, "you".  He stared at you in shock as you sat in your seat.  He muttered," dumbass" You glared at him while saying," What was that?" 

"I called you - he said walking toward me -a dumbass" 

"I can't wait to kick your ass in training."

He said," Is that a threat shitty girl?" 

I said," What porcupine's never heard one before?" With a smirk

He replied," I'll blast you to kingdom come" also with a smug smirk

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