Chapter 28 - Monster

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Y/n pov

Dream comes back with cereal and sits down next to me, handing me the cereal. "thanks" I say, he just nods. I start eating but feel like I'm being stared at, I look up to see George with a bit of a uneasy expression.

"Is something wrong?" I ask George. "What kind of a mo-" "if you dare call me a monster I will gladly become one by ripping your head of..." I cut George off with a stern voice and see his face go white.

"Y/n don't be so harsh." Dream says. "No. Get this straight, if anyone here calls me a monster I won't hesitate. I didn't choose to be born like this..." I look at Dream irritated. I hear "Ow shit!" come from the entrance with a guard running away and get a familiar scent. I roll my eyes and sigh.

Technoblade comes into view, Sapnap and George stand up straight away and get their swords out walking behind Dream. Dream stands up standing straight being intimidated by Techno, I can tell by the smell of him.

"Stop being intimidated by him he's just a big douch and he can smell it just so you know." I say standing up and limping towards Techno. "Smell what?" Sapnap asks. "that you're intimidated even I can smell it." I respond.

"Gotta say was a big dick move, you daggering me in the leg." I say looking back at Techno. "Ow is someone being a puppy about it." he responds, I just throw the rest of my cereal in his face. I hear Dream laugh a bit with Sapnap following.

"Y/N!" Techno responds "Ow big bad hog coming to kill me now." I respond in an unamused tone, I start walking towards to the kitchen to put my bowl away but techno pushed me a bit that made me need to catch balance om my wounded leg.

"BITCH." I shout "no that's you, also it's not like you haven't had worse things than just a dagger in your leg." He responds. "also some of your attacks were different, what's up with that." He ask while following me in and out of the kitchen. "different training. You probably haven't heard of that kind, it's called 'not actually trying to kill each other'." I give him a stupid grin.

"you know seeing you guys like this makes Technoblade a lot less intimidating." Bad move from Sapnap saying that, cause Techno strides over towards him. Sapnap hides behind Dream.

I walk up to stand in front of Dream and start trying to push Techno, but of course he stands still like a brick stuck in a wall. "Techno, stop." I can feel that Dream is getting a bit nervous so I stand close in front of him, and sneakily grab his hand.

Techno was staring down Dream instead of Sapnap, probably cause Dream is the leader of everything here. Even over Eret technically. Once I'm holding Dream's hand he becomes more comfortable.

"Techno. If you keep this up you're gonna have to sleep with one eye open or I will murder you in your sleep." I respond, he looks down at me. "I just came to check in on you Wolfie, seeing you're okay and in pretty good hands I will be on my way." He says patting my head and walking off.

I smile knowing he doesn't say I love you or anything like that but if he uses the nickname he gave me it's his way of showing affection. "see you again soon Techno." I respond "I love you too." I whisper under my breath making sure he will be the only one to hear it.

"you too are definitely siblings." Sapnap says, I just laughed a little in responds. "thanks by the way y/n. Sapnap you nearly got me killed!" Dream shouted at Sapnap. "Don't worry, Techno does a lot of intimidating but he won't kill anyone I care about." I respond

"George, you're very quiet." I respond a little worried he hates me now. "Sorry.. are you a werewolf?" George asks out of the blue. I just start laughing. "no, funny cause Dream thought the same thing first. But I'm just a wolf hybrid I am not cursed by the moon or anything." I respond and see George sigh I think in relief.

"Wait wolf hybrid!? Do you have any cool things like a tail?!" Sapnap asks in full excitement. "I do." I respond "Show us!" he continues, I become a little shy. "it's okay you don't have too." Dream says, I just start to hide in Dream's hoodie I'm wearing.

We all sit down again in the same spots as before. "Dream, before I wanted to tell you about a situation I heard..." Dream nodded for him to continue "so L'manburg is having an election, to see who is going to become the new president." He says.

"we were just on good terms with Wilbur as president and now they're doing this.." Dream says a bit irritated, "I know it's bad timing but could I visit L'manburg this week or something, maybe you could talk to Wilbur about what's going on in the meantime then?" I ask.

"fine, I'll see if they're free tomorrow." He says, Dream then leaves the room. "George can you stop being so nervous, I feel bad." I say knowing George is a bit scared of me now. "sorry it's just that, we now know your brother is Technoblade and you're a hybrid and all."

"It's not like I'm any different than I was when you guys first met me, you just didn't know then." I respond. "I know... but still." He says. I hurts knowing he's scared of me because I'm being me.

"I'm going to change my bandages." I say to get myself out of this situation and leave George alone. "y/n, your bandages are new..." Sapnap says. "then I'll just go to my room." I say defeated.

I went to my room and just lay on my bed, that shadow starts to appear and I just turn away from him. "I have noticed you have been ignoring me." it says in a deep demonic voice, "I was hoping it would make you leave me alone." I respond.

"ow y/n... I'm never leaving." It says "why? Why me?" I ask, "because you are different than others, and I don't like that. You help people become stronger, believe in things they shouldn't." it says. "Why is that so bad?" I question. "Because that means they will believe less in me." it responds.

"But I don't know who you are, how am I supposed to know what they're supposed to believe in. For all I know you a voice in my head that my mind makes a body for.." I state. The shadow lunges at me and makes me go flying into the wall.

"You still think I'm just a voice in your head!" It shouts at me. "No." I get out between heavy breaths.

"I'm sorry I disrespected you, how do I make it up to you, how do I get people to believe in you." I ask trying not to anger it again. "Create chaos. Start. A. war." He says, I look at him shocked. "I can't do that! People will die!" I respond.

He pushes me up against the wall holding me in a chock position. "You will do as I say or I will make you suffer!" he says sternly. "Then it shall be that way, make. Me. suffer." I respond not wanting anyone to get hurt but me by my actions.

"As you wish, but if you ever want to change the deal. Just say the words." It says, and it vanishes dropping me to the ground.

I take a minute to gather myself, I then head to the bathroom to take a shower. I take off my clothes and bandages and look at myself in the mirror, looking at all the cut bruises and scares. I turn my back to the mirror to look at the biggest scare I have, it goes from my right shoulder blade following down next to my spine, to just above my left pelvis bone.

It's the one thing that reminds me that there is always a monster in everyone, no matter how little, the leash they're on could always snap. That's what happened that day, when Techno lost control of the voices.

He didn't mean to, I mean he did nearly kill me. but he took care of me until the moment I was back up on my own feet again. I know he still feels guilty about that day, even tho I have forgiven him so many times he doesn't forgive himself.

(1438 Words)

Save me from me//dream x reader (female)//Where stories live. Discover now