Chapter Two

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Flashback 1

There I was, crammed inside the metal cabinet, peering out through the small shutters with widened eyes. I watched as my father took several moon herbs out of one of the cupboards across from my cabinet, an evil sort of smile crossing his snout. My father was thin for a Lunae, with light gray scales, a mid-gray underbelly, and dark flecks across his snout and limbs. I didn't move as he stuffed the flowers into a jar, filled the jar with water, and dissolved the petals into a liquid. He then opened the door to his home, beckoning none other than Queen Amethyst inside.

"What was so urgent about your discoveries with the plant, Moth, that you felt the need to tell me right now?" She hissed, flicking her lavender tinged tail to signal something to the guards next to her. "You should be fully aware I have other dragons to attend to and places to be."

From what I could see, the Queen's scales were a cool, pewter gray color, with an extremely dark underside. Her tail and jagged curved horns faded into a lavender tinged gray, flecked with a rustier color.

"I discovered this plant can reciprocate a stunning amount of power through a dragon's veins upon consumption when converted into a liquified form," he replied smoothly, holding out the jar. "I believe we may be able to use it for military advancements... could you imagine a warrior with an energy beam three times as powerful? Do you know the kind of terror this would cause?"

He unscrewed the lid, stirring the monstrosity. The Queen simply raised a brow, whether she was truly impressed or not I couldn't tell.

"Demonstrate," she said flatly, snatching two books off the shelf and setting them on the table.
"You will burn these two books, once without the plant, and again with its effects."

He simply nodded, but I could tell he didn't want to destroy his precious books. He stepped forward and channeled his lunar energy deep in his throat, hesitating.

"Well?" Queen Amethyst said, tapping her foot.

I watched my father release the beam out of his mouth, piercing through the first book and even through the table, charring the floor. The air smelled burnt from the released energy, and a thin stream of smoke sizzled from the floor. My father looked pale and worn from discharging the lunar beam.

"Weak. Drink your... potion. I want to see." The Queen flicked her tongue in and out, bored.

Moth glanced over at his math paperwork for a brief moment before downing the drink. The world seemed to pause for only a split second, before everything went to hell.

It only took a few seconds, but in that time several things happened.

First, the screaming. I immediately covered my ears with my talons and draped my tail across my snout, although I couldn't tear my eyes away from the scene.

Second, the sickly glow. He was emitting an unnatural white glow, and it was pouring out of his mouth and eyes as energy, burning the floor, the walls, and even the cabinet.

Third, the Queen. She tried to cover her face, just barely managing  before the damage reached her precious royal scales. The energy tore through her armor, melting it to her charred arms and legs. The guards in front of her were even more damaged, and my stomach churned watching their bodies convulse and tear under the pressure of the energy released.

Last, me. The energy burned most of the cabinet, and my scales felt like they were on fire. This was the point where I scrunched my eyes closed and let out a harsh whimper.

After that, I don't know what happened. I vaguely remember the tears, the Queen's roar shaking the ground, and tens of hundreds of wingbeats slicing through the air at once. I'm not sure how I got out of there, and I'm not sure where I ended up then. I just know everything hurt.

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