v. breakfasts

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IF THERE WAS ONE THING Jiana appreciated most about suddenly being thrust into all of this immense, overwhelming wealth, it was the quality of the food.

Kato Yui beamed at her adoptive daughter as she watched her shovel eggs into her mouth. "I'm glad you have your appetite back."

Jiana smiled back through her mouthful of food. That first week really had been difficult, her new circumstances rendering her unable to eat. She didn't quite miss her foster home, but she missed the kids there, and she ached for the familiarity of her old life while feeling guilty about wanting to enjoy everything this new one had to offer.

"Sometimes, you just need a good old Western breakfast," Namjoon commented from where he sat at the head of the glass dining table, reading a newspaper - Jiana hadn't even seen an actual newspaper in eons, but apparently, here in AUTown, they were delivered every other day.

"Sure as hell don't need the diabetes, though," Yui quipped dryly, eyeing the platter of oily bacon with no small amount of distaste as she refilled her coffee.

Namjoon rolled his eyes fondly at his wife. "It's okay to be unhealthy sometimes."

"No, it isn't. Besides," Yui continued, "breakfast foods are a sham."

"Here we go."

Jiana reached for the little notebook lying on the dining table that had been placed there for her ease of communication. Why is breakfast a sham? she wrote curiously.

"Do not get her started," Namjoon warned in response, effectively cutting Yui off before she could begin her long rant about the greedy Western capitalist system and its gimmick of causing society to deem only certain foods acceptable to eat in the morning. "Anyway, we should probably talk about last night."

Jiana froze. Yui cocked a brow. "You think?"

"What? I'm new to this parenting shi... parenting stuff." He quickly covered his slip, making Jiana stifle a smile as she wrote more in the book, fingers trembling. I'm really sorry about last night. I promise it'll never ever happen again.

Yui frowned. "It wasn't your fault. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Jiana blinked in surprise. They believed her? Just like that? She was still struggling to wrap her mind around it as Namjoon turned to Yui. "Please remind me to file a complaint about that."

Yui nodded, returning her attention to Jiana. "And we didn't know that you like to dance."

Jiana shrunk into herself a little. It's nothing serious, she wrote. Just a hobby.

"Still, we can get you into a ballet school easily," Yui pressed eagerly. But Jiana, guiltily, just shook her head, so Yui stood down. "Oh, that's okay. You can just join the dance team at school, then."

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