xxxii. late afternoons and pep rallies

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Jiana hadn't been with many boys this way. But now as they lay quietly beside each other on the too-comfortable mattress, she found herself thinking that, well, maybe... she could fix him?

If she wasn't so distraught over it, she would've laughed at herself.

His bedroom was huge but bare, all shades of white and beige and grey, empty of furniture save for a lampstand, beside tables, and fireplace. Archways separated a sitting area and desk space from the bed and window. Somehow the room just didn't seem... lived in.

Jake turned, arm draping across her waist to pull her to him as his head nestled into the space above her collarbone. "You smell really good," he mumbled, breaths tickling her skin.

Her fingers threaded through his hair, the sunlight peeking through the room's curtains catching on his natural chestnut-colored locks. His eyes fluttered closed, full lips turning up slightly. She liked afternoons like this. Just the two of them, somewhere else entirely. Just... that place didn't have a name yet.

"You don't ask anything of me, you don't try to get me to open up. It's nice."

She bent her face to look at him, adopting an unimpressed expression as she pointed to her mouth like, obviously I don't ask you anything, and he chuckled, the sound sending a pleasant shiver through her. "I know. Still."

He shifted upward to place a kiss on the corner of her mouth. And as always she turned her head to meet their lips properly, the kiss deepening in that toe-curling way she liked too much. She'd developed a love-hate relationship with his mouth. It said things that made her heart miss beats but these same things she knew he'd said to others many times before. Then he'd kiss her and she'd feel special again.

His hand coasted up her thigh before coming to fiddle with the waistband of her sweats, and she shivered again. The effect he had on her was too strong, and she suspected he knew. He stopped kissing her, and she froze. "Did you hear that?"

What? she mouthed.

They heard the sounds of a door opening, then closing, and heels on the tile. "Jaeyun?" a woman called from downstairs, echoing from the large empty space of the mansion's lobby. "Love? Are you home? I'm coming upstairs."

The two glanced at each other, wide-eyed. "Hide," Jake whispered, and Jiana promptly rolled off the bed, eyes scouring the room for an appropriate spot.

"Closet, closet," he urged, and she'd just shut his closet door behind her when the door to his room swung open.

"Mom! Hi." She could hear him schooling his tone into nonchalance. "I was napping. Didn't expect you back yet."

"I cut my trip short." She stepped through the archways to fold him into her arms. "Missed you."

"Missed you, too." Jiana could imagine them embracing, and it made her smile, his closeness to his mother. "What did you have in mind today?"

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