Run, Bitch, Run!

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Once the bell rung, she had to stay behind to finish a couple of algebra problems, but it only took her a couple minutes.
"Bye ma'am, hope you have a great rest of the day!" Cassie said.
"Bye dear, you too!"
Even though she didn't like algebra, well she despises it, she did liked the teacher.
She went to her locker and then out the door, where a herd of people were gathering. Cassie wondered what it was a about, then she saw what was happening. Freddy!

She ran down the steps to help him, then when she was 7 feet away ready to body slam one of them. Cassie didn't really know what she was going to do, but she figured she would at least try her best. Before she could however, Billy stepped in and hit both of them with Freddy's crutch. She slowed down and stood in her tracks.

What was Billy doing? I thought he would rather lick a cheese grater than help Freddy.

"Yeah, sorry about that it doesn't seem fair, but then again you don't fight fair." He said then the two boys ran after him. It took her a minute to get out of shock,  she ran over to Freddy and knelt down. "Oh my gosh, Freddy are you alright?" Cassie said helping him up.
"Who are you?" The brown haired girl asked.
"I'm Cassie." She said
"I've never seen you around," she said dusting off Freddy but looking like she was trying to piece something together,
"But I'm Mary, this is Pedro, Eugene, Darla, and that was just Billy that you saw." She said pointing to all of them.

"Freddy, I'm assuming this is the girl you were talking about?" Mary said.
"We should get get going." he responded quickly and eager to change the conversation.

"Can you come to our house? Our parents wouldn't mind!" Darla said.
"Sure, I can come to y'all's house, my parents aren't home till later."

They walked down to their house and Darla asked her a bunch of questions like: "Why she moved, what her house looked like, and why Cassie talked a little different." Was it really that obvious I came from the south? I don't have a strong accent, they should've heard my grandma's.

Once they arrived she took her shoes off like the rest of the family, and went into their house,"Do you think Billy is ok?" She asked.
"Yeah, he'll be fine." Freddy said a little jealous.
He offered to take her coat and Cassie said yes.

She was walking by Freddy and accidentally brushed her hand against his hand.
"Sorry." she said.
Freddy looked at her only a foot away, then both of their heads turned towards the adults who came in the room.
"Hi, you must be Cassandra." The woman said," I'm Rosa and this is Victor!"
"Hello." Cassie said as she shook their hands, "Thank you, for letting me come!"
"Oh, anytime!" she admired how welcoming they were.
"We have to get dinner ready but you and Freddy can chill and wiat." Victor said, then everyone walked off into a different room.

"Freddy would you like to go to your room, I could help you with your wounds. My moms a doctor so, I've seen plenty of stuff like this before." she lightly mumbled.
"Sure" He said.

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