Legally Blonde

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" You're going to look so hot as a blondie, babe," Maddy smiled, giving you a soft kiss on the lips.

" You're going to look so hot as a blondie, babe," Maddy smiled, giving you a soft kiss on the lips

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You were currently on your second session, trying to get the darkness of your hair bleached. Your girlfriend Maddy, was carefully applying the chemicals on your locks with her tinting brush.

" Just don't leave me bald, please," You smiled, after she pulled away from the peck she gave you.

She giggled. " You're so stupid, baby. That's not gonna happen!"

" I hope not. But my scalp is itching, fuck..," You groaned, and your girlfriend couldn't help but smile ear to ear.

" That's normal, baby. Just relax, okay? Trust me, I'm an expert at this," Maddy chuckled, giving you another smooch.


J'adore   : ̗̀➛ Gif ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now