Never change

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“You can never change
  what you've think
what you said and
  what you've done..

Even if you say I'm sorry
it won't lessen the pain,
nothing's gonna be forgotten
even if they say...
They've forgiven you... no..

  Cause we people are greedy,
doing good... to make other's appreciate us,
We ain't no saint but you can't always make the excuse of being just a human...

Cause God made us, the highest form of his creation, People can make or break...
Tell me... have you felt real joy?
shed tears because of real pain...
learn to love, giving it free?

Never think bad of other's...
But we ain't no saint...
We are just a bunch of brain in a piece of meat...
We do think bad,
we say unholy curses..
and we will alway's do bad...”

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