1. Meeting

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How I think I'll met all three of them in my DR

Marc = Hello
Steven = Ello
Jake = Hey


I met Jake first before Steven or Marc. I met him during a night patrol around NewYork when he was visiting

we became close yet not knowing each other very well him just flirting with me mid battle which I ignore most times. We got coffee together (still in costume of course) in a friendly superhero cafe, when he finally had to leave we said our goodbyes and headed our separate ways.

Fast forward a few years to the end of no way home you can find me talking to Stephen about leaving NewYork and going back home to London, Brighton since Tommy's birthday was in a few months (rn is December in the fic) he said it was alright only if I wouldn't fuck up the multiverse too much then it already was, I said yeah and headed off to Brighton.

I got and realised I had nowhere to stay at so I had to rent a floor below Steven's apartment, at the time I didn't know who he was but let's save that for later. I got a job as a llibrarian near the museum Steven work at which was a few stores down from the museum.

I didn't recognise the street on which I rented the apartment so the next day I decided to explore the town a bit more, I explore the town until I got to the museum from there I stopped at the entrance to my ADHD acted up and got me staring at a poster above the entrance, I suddenly felt a thud against my back, I was brought back to reality and turn around to find a small skinny curly haired man staring back up at me, I snapped and went to help him up from the floor, I apologised multiple times and went on and way back home not realising that the curly haired man was still staring at me leave love struck.

From there I started visiting the museum on my to work which open later on in the day. I explore the museum which I got feedback from my god Anubis which I got to know a lot better after my mind was read by Wanda in Age Of Ultron which I think he was there before that just spectating my life but whatever were getting off topic.

Anubis was telling me about a certain god when I felt like I was getting watched I looked around to see people doing their own thing until my eyes fell upon the same curly haired man I saw a few days ago who bumped into me, staring at me until he saw that I caught him staring that he looked away embarrass on the fact that he got caught.

I decided to go into the gift-shop he worked at I suppose, to see what I could buy but nothing interested me so I went to go talk to the curly haired man who I now know was named Steven. We started hangout with each other more and more in and out of work until he invited me to have tea/coffee at his place.

When I got there I entered his place to see a lot of bookshelves (with books of course) I walked around his place as he got the tea/coffee ready only to see his bed? With sand around it and a ankle resistant which I didn't question too much only to snap back to reality to find myself staring at the ankle resistant for way longer then I thought, I looked at Steven to find him staring at back nervously trying to explain to me about why he has it

"I-it's not what you think I- uh.. have a sleep disorder which causes me to get up in the middle of the night and walk around"

he stumbled on his words trying to get that sentence out which Anubis found amusing I tried to ignore him and tell Steven it's fine and that he didn't need to explain it to me if he didn't feel comfortable with it.

Which he thanked any god I said that and got a bit more calmer then before. For that day I started seeing that Steven changed personality for days then went back to his shy awkward self which Anubis informed me that Khonshu's avatar was near until I put two and two together on why I would hear thump in the middle of the night.

when I was still up (Insomnia😃) and how I would hear whisper-yelling at someone (how can you even hear that???) I decided to go knock on Steven's? Door to see if he needed help or something. When his door open I saw Steven? Looking at me like I interrupted something.

I asked if was alright cause I heard thumps and yelling from up on this floor.

"uh.. yeah everything's fine no need to worry just go back to sleep and forget about this."

He told me in an american accent? Wasn't he british last time we spoken I could of swear he was british when I finally snapped out of my daze Steven had close the door on me before I could respond so I decided to let it slide and go back to my apartment and try to sleep.

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