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rosie tapped her foot against the floor, waiting patiently for the clock to strike 3.

she daydreamed of going to theater practice with her friends and then heading home and getting a popsicle.

the heat was overwhelming and the thickness of her uniforms sweater vest was not helping her situation. she regretted wearing it, even if it was too cold to bare in the morning.

a kick against her desk took her out of her mind, allowing her friend dahlia to gain her attention.

she looked over at dahlia, pursing her lips and trying to interpret her expression. dahlia's eyes were moving back and forth from rosie and the boy in front of her, a freshman named tommy.

dahlia managed to balance every single thing she had in her bag on the sleeping boy. tommy hand fallen asleep with his head up, and the second their teacher catches him, he'd recieve a detention. but if dahlia was feeling mean, she'd wake him up before that happened.

she nodded at dahlia with a mischievous smile, causing her to giggle and reach forward, swiftly moving tommys arm that was supporting his head, causing him to drop hard against the desk.

the class fell silent at the bang, rosie and dahlia sat innocently, avoiding their teachers concerned looks.

"falling asleep again, are we mr. simons?"

"no sir," tommy said quickly, causing dahlia to stiffen a laugh.

"let this be a warning, i do not tolerate-" their teacher was cut off by the loud ringing of the school bells, signaling class was over.

tommy left as soon as he could, but not after complaining to dahlia for being so mean.

dahlia shrugged it off.

"what're you doing today, babe?" dahlia asked once nearly everyone left.

"i have theater today. you?"

"editing some stuff for av. do you, uh, need a ride home?"

"will you wait? i might be let out late."

"it's fine, to be honest. i crash around the yearbook club."

"okay," rosie giggled, knowing the reason, "just let me know."

dahlia scoffed. "how? you don't even have a cell."

"i'll come looking for you, or if you're that obsessed with the digital era, text someone you know is there," she shrugged. "i'll see you."


she messed up her hair before leaving with a giggle, but then crashed into a hard chest.

"holy shit! i'm so sorry," she said, looking up and finding her dean. "fuck. i'm so sorry sir."

"stop swearing or detention."

"sorry," she said, standing out of his way but coming in front of someone else. she looked up, following a pair of running shoes to meet with an unexplainable familiar face. "do i know you?"

he only stared at her.

"santos," her dean said in his thick australian accent. "this is calum hood, just moved here from saint ignatius. monday you'll show him around, alright?"

"oh! but sir, monday morning i have volleyball and then theater-"

"great! at the front office at 8 am sharp!"

"sir i have free period i start til 9-"

"8 am is perfect. go on then, miss campbell is surely waiting for you."

rosie huffed in annoyance and walked off, bumping into the boy on purpose. he was definitely taller, stronger and perhaps maybe older, but he still cost her a volleyball practice session, and she wasn't about to let him get off easy.

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