|| CHAPTER-34||

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"What's the status, Namjoon?" Jimin asked him with his hands in his pockets, facing the cell in which they had kept Jungkook

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"What's the status, Namjoon?" Jimin asked him with his hands in his pockets, facing the cell in which they had kept Jungkook.

"Oh my god! Are you the famous Agent Juliet?" Namjoon asked with his hands over his mouth.

"I am delighted to meet you too. But I asked something."

"Oh, yes! Um... actually no. He is refusing to answer all my questions. I need to make him talk by this week or the boss will screw me," Namjoon explained with a frown over his lips.

"He is sturdier than I expected. You want to impress Jin?" Jimin asked Namjoon and turned towards him.

"I don't want to impress and stuff. Just want him to acknowledge me as a good and reliable agent-"

"Cut the formality, do you or do you not want to impress him?" Jimin asked in a demanding tone to which Namjoon instantly nodded his head.

"As a rookie, it's difficult to get on his good side. So try and accomplish something that he is eager to know-"

"For example?" Namjoon perked up a question.

"Make the guy inside that cell blurt out the name of the person he is working for"

"What's new in that? That's exactly why I was appointed here," Namjoon sulked with his hands dropping on either side of his body.

"And convince him to work for us," Jimin finished his sentence.

"Are you serious right now? He isn't cooperating to talk to me. What makes you think that he will agree on working with us-"

"Namjoon!" Jimin raised a tone and took a step closer to the male that stopped blabbering, "Don't get intimidated by the people who work around you! Don't get intimidated by me either. You were chosen to work here because of your excellent skills to analyse threats and crackdown cases so that we could go save the victims. You were chosen because you deserve it. You get that?" Jimin affirmed.


"If ever, I become a potential threat then you must cuff me and put me behind the bars and find the truth. I want you to attain that peak. I want you to work your ass off and reach the point where you have the powers to order people around. That's when I will meet you again." Jimin gave a soft smile and turned back to leave. He stopped to take a glance over the male that slept in the cell and shrugged his thoughts to walk ahead.

AGENT JULIET | JIKOOK [COMPLETED] ✓Where stories live. Discover now