Season 3 episode 4

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Story so far

Drago had tried to defeat Frieza but Frieza was too strong he taunted Drago to come back when he decided to pose a real challenge Drago retreated but then he called up his good friend Goku for a favor to help defeat Frieza.

The episode begins Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We join Drago and Goku as they arrive at Frieza's ship

Drago: here we go the the final showdown.

Goku: it's time for Frieza to pay for what he did to you.

Drago: you're right let's go!

the two Heroes make their way to the bridge where they are greeted by Frieza.

Frieza: hello Drago I didn't expect to see you back so soon well now that you are here I suppose you are now offering a real threat?

Drago: yeah, you're going to pay for what you did with your life

Frieza: Oh is that so well let us take the battle outside I'm sure you will agree as you don't want to hurt your little girlfriends.

Drago: fine let's go

As they went outside Frieza begins to power up to transform into a second form

Drago* thinking*( Goku his power is skyrocketing!)

Goku(I know how is this possible?)

Frieza: behold the greatest power of the strongest in the universe!

As Drago Goku and Frieza start fighting the heroes quickly took down Frieza's second form

Frieza: it seems you or a bit stronger than I imagined well i'll have to transform again

Drago: *( what! Here's another transformation?)

Goku(I could sense he was holding back)


Then FriezaTransformed into his third form

Drago(Goku, his ki just skyrocketed!)

Goku:( this is crazy how high does it go?)

As they start to fight again the heroes knocked down  Frieza's third form just as easy as a second form

Frieza: Grrrrrrrrrr you have no idea who you're dealing with fine if you want to die that badly then I'll show you my true power HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then Frieza transformed in his final form

Drago(that form looks a lot smaller than others)

Goku(It's smaller to be sure but I can tell it's packing a lot of power!)

Frieza: now witness my true power

Drago: goku is there anyway you could defeat him?

Goku: yeah I think it is I have to charge up a full power Kamahamaha you have to get busy though.

Drago: OK I'll wait Frieza as you charge the Spirit bomb 

Goku: ok good luck.

Drago: let's go Frieza!

As Drago and Frieza continued the fight Goku raised His arms to the sky and said" everyone please let me in your energy!"

As Goku said that he started to gather energy into his hands forming a Kamahamaha at full power.

After a few minutes theKamahamaha was fully charged.

Goku: Drago, it's ready!

Drago: all right die!!!!

Drago quickly punched Frieza Down to the ground and this happened.

A/N play from 28:04 to 24:45

As Goku launched a full power Kamahamaha at Frieza he tried his best to hold it back but to no avail.


Drago: yes Goku who we did it!

Goku: yeah I guess we did we go free the girls

Drago: yeah we can.

Unfortunately Frieza survived the attack.

Frieza: Ha ha ha

 What will happened to Drago and Goku find out in the next episode.

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