Chapter 1

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Whoops, Denki is adding another story to his ever growing to be written pile. Oh well, I wanted to make a MonoKami story, so here it is, or well, the first chapter anyways. Hope you enjoy.

"What do you mean you guys are going on a date?" Denki whined at Bakugou. He desperately needed help with the History homework, and Bakugou just had to be going on a date with Kirishima. "You always help us study."

"Not today, Dunce Face. Go find someone else to annoy with your damn problems." Bakugou huffed, grabbing some clothes that weren't school related. "Now get out of my fucking room, Pikachu!"

Denki pouted as he went to find any of his friends to help him, but everyone was busy with one thing or another. Midoriya said he'd help later if Denki still needed help, but he had a training session with All Might, Shinsou was nowhere to be found, probably training with Aizawa Sensei, and as much as he loved his close group of friends, they were just as hopeless as he was, so he decided to head out to the library in hopes that the quiet atmosphere would help him focus.

When he arrived at the library, it was filled to the brim. Every table was taken it seemed. Dejected, Denki entered the room in search of an empty chair at the very least, and when he finally found one, he frowned at who was already at the table.

"Oh well," Denki sighed. "As long as he doesn't start trouble, I should be fine."

Resigned to his current situation, Denki sat in the chair across from the other blonde. As far as he could tell, Monoma didn't notice him sit down, so he shrugged and opened his history textbook to start reading. He wished that the textbook was written in English as he felt more comfortable reading in English, but he couldn't possibly ask for something like that. They wouldn't get a special book for one student.

Denki tried to focus, he really did, but the muttering coming from the other blonde was extremely distracting. The longer it went on, the more Denki tuned into the words coming out of Monoma's mouth until he actually had a cohesive idea of what homework assignment the other was working on, English.

"Are you any good with History?" Denki asked just loud enough for the other blonde to hear him.

Monoma finally looked up from his assignment and gave the 2A student a hard glare. "What do you want, class A trash?"

Denki swallowed his pride. "I need help with the History homework, and it seemed like you might be struggling with English, so I thought maybe we could help each other."

Monoma looked at him as if he was contemplating the idea. He hadn't outright refused it, so Denki was feeling confident that maybe his idea would work out. "I guess it's better than my other option, so sure. But if you make me fail the homework, I won't help you again."

Denki rolled his eyes, pulling Monoma's worksheet towards himself. "English is one of the classes I don't need help with, so your grades will be fine." He looked over the sheet. "I already finished this one. English vocabulary can be tricky with how many definitions one word can have, but homophones are the worst."

Monoma actually smiled at him. "Okay, Mr. English Master, tell me where I'm going wrong."

Denki swapped to speaking English. "Well, there, t-h-e-r-e, is a place, but you keep using it as a possessive pronoun. T-h-e-i-r is the possessive pronoun, and t-h-e-y-apostrophe-r-e is the conjunction of they are."

"Yeah, yeah." Monoma rolled his eyes. He continued speaking in Japanese "That's what Present Mic told us, but why did he have to give us a worksheet on all three of them?"

"You know, actually speaking the language can help with learning it, right?" Denki asked, chuckling a little, still speaking in English. "I'm completely fluent, so I can help you if you slip up."

"Shut up." Neito looked upset, but the fact he had actually switched over to English in order to tell him to shut up made Denki smile.

They went over the rest of the worksheet before moving on to Denki's history homework. Working through it was a little difficult as Denki continued to insist on speaking English rather than Japanese, but for him, it helped. That little bit of extra focus, speaking in a language that he didn't speak all the time helped him to focus on everything Monoma said about the mother of the term quirk and the beginnings of the Hero career. By the time they were done, both boys felt a little more confident in their knowledge of the subjects they were struggling in.

"Do you still need help with studying, Kaminari-kun?" Midoriya asked as soon as Denki walked through the door to the common room.

Denki was a little thrown off at first. He had forgotten that he had asked the green haired boy for help, but what was most disconcerting was the fact that he had gotten comfortable with speaking in English with Monoma, so it was a shock to his system to go back to Japanese in the dorm.

"No, thanks, Midoriya. I found help at the library." He smiled a little to himself. He was definitely going back tomorrow. He wanted to become friends with Monoma.

Denki then slipped into the kitchen and made himself a snack before heading up to his room wondering if Monoma would be back in the library the next day. He actually felt smart getting to help someone else, and he was sure that Monoma felt the same having been the only member of class B to have to take the summer school courses at the summer camp the year prior.

"The dunces of both classes getting along." Denki smiled at his own vocalized thought. "Yeah, that would be nice. It was definitely nice not getting called a dunce every ten seconds while working on the homework, that's for sure."

That night, Denki fell asleep with a smile on his face thinking of his possible new friend. He desperately hoped that Monoma saw him as a friend now too.

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