Chapter 8

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By some strange miracle, Denki managed to sneak past his classmates and make his way upstairs with Sachiko. The process made easier by the fact that this was a last minute thing instead of everyone knowing for over a week that she would be there. Denki didn’t even knock before entering Neito’s room, and the moment he realized that the boy was shirtless, he turned around so that he wouldn’t make Neito uncomfortable.

“I told you I’ve already had top surgery, and you still turn away as if you’re afraid that I don’t want you to see my nonexistent tits.” Denki heard Neito laughing behind him. “You can turn around now, I have a shirt on.”

Denki turned around to find Neito blushing despite his words about Denki seeing him without a shirt being safe.

“I’m ready to try the clothes on.” Denki jumped straight to the point wanting to get to it before he lost his nerve. “Do you mind holding her while I change? I’d put her down, but I don’t want her getting into your things.”

Neito sat down, awkwardly holding his arms out for the girl, almost scared to hold her. Usually, when she was with them for study sessions, she would be strapped to Denki’s back in a carrier, or on the ground playing with some of her toys, but Akio had warned Denki that she had started getting into things the last time he had to leave her with him.

“She’s not gonna break, Nei. I promise.” He placed the girl in Neito’s lap. “Behave for Neito while I get dressed, okay.”

“Tay, Mama,” Sachiko babbled back. Denki smiled at her before grabbing the bag of clothes from under the bed where Neito had put it when he realized Denki wasn’t ready to try them on.

He decided to save the dress for last, choosing the shorts and crop top for his first outfit. He loved them but realized that he would have to wear a different kind of underwear with the shorts in future. Seeing as Neito’s family had gotten him the clothes, he decided to wear them out to show Neito, taking the underwear off and putting the shorts back on without them, and had the boy take a picture, heading back into the bathroom to change into the wrap shirt to show off that outfit as well. He then paired the floral shirt with the black skirt and the black shirt with the yellow skirt before finally putting on the dress. As soon as it was on him, he decided that he didn’t want to take it off until it was time to leave Neito’s room. He loved the dress too much.

“Wow,” Neito breathed out when Denki stepped back out of the bathroom. “I think I’m in love.”

“I love it too,” Denki grinned. “It’s not coming off until I have to take her back to my room for bed.”

Neito nodded in agreement. “You make a far prettier girl than I did, that’s for sure.”

“Mama, piddy,” Sachiko agreed with the blonde holding her.

“That’s because you weren’t one,” Denki responded to Neito’s comment. “You can’t make a pretty girl when you’re a pretty boy, now can you?”

Neito rolled his eyes at Denki, but smiled at the comment, nonetheless. He then suggested that they work on the homework so that they didn’t have to worry about it the next day when they didn’t have classes to attend. Denki, who had been too focused on getting to try on the clothes, asked Neito if he could run down to his room and grab his bag so that he wouldn’t have to get out of the dress early. Neito rolled his eyes, but agreed easily, passing the child back to her parent. He was only gone for about ten minutes, and as soon as he returned, Sachiko wiggled her way out of Denki’s lap and rushed over to him and hugged one of his legs.

“Dada back,” the girl proclaimed confusing Denki and startling Neito as she would usually call Neito Nei-chan.

Neito stood stock still, and Denki could see he was on the verge of some sort of panic attack, so he peeled Sachiko off the boy’s leg. “Koko, honey, Nei-chan is not your dad.” He looked back at Neito. “I’m sorry. She’s never done that to anyone before.”

Once the child was no longer touching him, Neito released the breath that he didn’t realize he was holding and moved to sit on the bed, tossing Denki’s bag to the side. “It’s fine.” Denki could clearly tell it was not fine. “I’ve heard kids say some weird things to people. Although, it does remind me that I’ve been meaning to ask you why she calls you mama and not dad.”

Denki sighed. “It’s not for lack of trying. Akio and I did everything we could to get her to call me that, but she heard one of the other kids at the daycare she goes to when Akio is on patrol call their mom, mama, and I guess she associated the title with longer hair or something.” He chuckled. “The next time she saw me, she started saying mama, and no matter how much we tried to correct her, she absolutely refused to call me anything else. I’ve long since given up on it and resigned myself to the fate of being called mama.”

“Want, dada.” Sachiko started reaching for Neito causing the boy to freeze up again.

Denki did his best to get her to understand that Neito wasn’t her dad, but nothing seemed to work. Eventually, they started on the homework, putting the little one in her carrier on Denki’s back so that she wouldn’t mess with anything or climb into Neito’s lap, him already being uncomfortable enough with how much she insisted that he was somehow her dad in her eyes. Once she fell asleep on Denki’s back, he moved her to Neito’s bed before continuing with the homework wanting to finish it and have the whole next day to spend with his daughter.

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