Chapter 5

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          *Two days later*

   I went to the manga shop. Haven't read manga in awhile which used to be a great habit of mine when I was a kid. It was easy for Kiyoomi as well because whenever my birthday would come around he would always buy me manga for a present. It just brings me happy memories, that's why I wanted to come to the manga store.
   It was empty as hell, like not a single soul except for some guy with a hat. I walked from shelf to shelf looking for something that would catch my eye. I got to the yaoi section and stopped there. Why would I stop?! I don't know it just caught my eye!


  That was a camera shutter sound! Did someone just take a photo of me going through gay porn?! I turned around immediately hiding my face. -"please, whoever you are, why would you take a photo of me?!"- I said my hands still covering my face. -"so I can send it to your brother!"- the guy commented. I removed my hands from my face and saw a familiar face. -"Could you stop following me everywhere I go, you only bring me trouble!"- I snapped. -"no, I always get your ass out of trouble!"- Atsumu said. I rushed angrily past him. He sighed loudly and ran after me. -"You won't even say "Hi, Atsumu! How are you, what brings you here or I'm happy to see you'" - he complained. -"Why would I say those stuff?!"- I made a face to him. -"excuse me?!"- he snapped. I went to the horror section, him still following me. I started looking for a specific book, he copied my moves. I grabbed the book "Shiver" by Junji Ito. -"Found it"- I whispered to myself and started walking towards the cash register. He rushed after me and grabbed the book out of my hands from behind me. -"HEY!"- I yelled. -"Sorry, I'm a fan as well."- he said coldly and walked towards the cash register. I rushed after him. -"Good day to you, sir, would that be all?"- the cashier lady asked him. -"Ye-"

   -"MISS- miss"- I pushed him out of the way. -"how about you sell it to me instead?? I will give you twice as much!"- I said breathing heavily. -"I'm sorry, lady, but the gentleman was here first with it!"- the cashier said. Atsumu chuckled, just standing there like he KNOWS it will be his. -"Miss, please, I've been waiting for this for too long! I even stopped ready other manga just because I am loyal to this one!"- I said and made Atsumu laugh even more. He pisses me off so much. -"I'm sorry, young lady but unless you find a decision between you two I can't debate!" - she said. I sighed loudly and turned to him slowly, looking annoyed. He shrugged. He slowly approached the cashier and handed her the money, my gaze sank as I followed every single move. -"Have a great day, sir!"- the cashier lady said. She looked back at me and made an 'I'm sorry' look. -"it's okay, thank you anyways!"- I said and walked out of the store all sad. I looked around for Atsumu but he was nowhere to be found. I frowned as I felt somebody put their hand on my shoulder.

    I quickly turned around ready to punch because I had THAT kind of defensive mechanism. -"WHOA- Y/N!"- Atsumu shouted covering his head as I accidentally punched his arm instead his head. -"OH MY- excuse me, Atsumu!"- I said covering my mouth. -"So you really are the fighting type as your brother described you"- he commented. -"what do you mean he described me?!"- I asked. -"well, he said that you got into a fight but didn't get into details, don't worry!"- Atsumu reassured me. -"Ugh, forget it! Why were you here anyway? Just to steal it off my hands?!"- I snapped. -"Chill out, I only want to know what's happened! You don't have to give me the behaviour, young lady!"- he said. I looked down. -"I'm sorry. I shouldn't act like that ... I'm just angry."- I added. -"How about I take to the mall just to relax? We can talk about it?"- he recommended. -"No, I couldn't do that ..."- I said. -"I will give you the book to read it!"- he said. -"Fine- I can spare an hour or two."- I said. He smiled and showed me the way to his car. I got on the passenger seat and fastened my belt. He got in shortly after. -"You ready?"- he asked sweetly. -"Ah- yeah, yeah!"- I said and smiled awkwardly. He put on some of his playlists and I enjoyed it very much. I texted my brother I will be home in two-three hours and then turned off my notifications, so I can enjoy the peaceful moment in this guy's fancy car. It REALLY sounds as if I have a sugar daddy when I say it like that lmao.

-"How about we speed up a little?"- Atsumu joked as I realised we were already on the highway. I widened my eyes as he speed up a little. -"Are you scared?"- he asked without looking at me. -"Pf me? No-" - I said cockily and right at this moment he floored the car, it made awfully loud sounds and the wind blew in my face harshly because the windows were down. I instinctively put my hand over his hand and squeezed it tightly. He laughed at my reaction and began to slow down a little. -"oh my- you are one insanely dangerous driver!"- I said as I breathed heavily while he parked at some random spot in the underground parking lot. -"will you leave my arm alone?"- he laughed. I realised I was still holding his arm. -"Oh sorry, sorry, my bad!"- I laughed it off and turned around to cover my dark red blush.

  We got out of the car and he locked. -"Where should we head off first?"- he asked. -"I thought maybe we can go grab some coffee?"- I suggested. -"Good! This way we will have time to discuss what's going on with your behaviour in school."- he said. -"You are acting like you are responsible for me!"- I laughed. -"Well, not exactly. But we are the same, I used to be like that too, you know, I can understand you better than your brother probably."- he said putting his hands in his pockets. -"I see. But why are you doing this?"- I asked. -"Doing what?"- he questioned. -"Doing all of this? Helping me? You were such a brat to me when we first met and we don't know each other for that long ..."- I said. -"Well- don't think about it."- he said. -"Oh- okay." .


  -"So you beat the shit out of her just because she 'insulted' your life with Kiyoomi?"- Atsumu laughed as he took a bite from his french fires. -"When you say it like that, I feel awful, I feel like I have overreacted-"- I said and took a sip of my cola. -"No, no, no, don't! I mean, she was mean about it, she embarrassed you and shove it into your face that you are practically dependent on him."- he continued. -"Exactly! Kiyoomi thinks I have anger issues ..."- I said. -"You were just stressed. All these bad grades and now your friend turning against you? It is stressful, I get you!"- he continued. -"Really?"- I tilted my head. -"Yeah, totally! I've gotten into fights for somebody being too nosy! Like I don't want people in my business."- he said. I shook my head. -"But listen ... you shouldn't ruin your reputation just because somebody manipulated you into thinking you are weak! People will do that all the time just to get the worst out of you and make you fail! You need to keep yourself under control and just smile at them! Make them feel uncomfortable for saying something stupid like that!"- he said. -"What do you mean exactly?"- I questioned. -"Well, in your situation I would've said something like 'said the girl who lived with her parents!'"- he said making me burst out laughing because of his funny facial expression that he made saying that. -"Why are you laughing?! It's the facts! You live with your brother because you want to be more responsible while she is embarrassing herself insulting you because of it even tho she lives and probably WILL live with her parents until she turns 28"- he continued cracking a smile. I laughed even more turning all red. -"You will choke on your food, dumbass! Eat now, don't think about it." - he said turning all stern. -"How come I never followed you on Instagram?"- I asked. -"You don't follow me on Instagram?!"- he snapped. -"Well- I never liked you, I thought you were too full of yourself!"- I said defending myself. -"Well, I am but see, we are on the same table talking about you being an absolute dumbass ruining your reputation!"- he said. I chuckled. -"Right, can I have your nickname now?"- I asked pulling out my phone from my purse. - "I'm sure that if you write my name it will just pop up, I'm a celebrity, woman!"- he made an annoyed face and I laughed again. At this point I was just being silly.

   I wrote his name on the search bar and it immediately popped up. -"Oh my- 500k followers?!"- I snapped. -"Yes, surprise, I'm a famous volleyball player, what did you expect??"- he asked. -"Oh my- I'm hanging out with a celebrity!"- I started giggling like a fangirl. -"You are practically siblings with one, what do you mean?!"- he laughed. -"Yeah but he is my bro and you are-"

  -"What am I?"- he raised an eyebrow making me turn absolutely red like a tomato!

   -"You are Miya Atsumu ..."

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