Recital V: Bitterness never truly ends, but at least we have love.

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Gingerbrave stiffened, startled at his partners touch. Wizard buried his face in the others shoulder, placing his arms loosely around his neck. Gingerbrave rested his head on Wizards slowly, smiling.
"What's up..?" He said softly.
"Then sleep. I keep telling you, just because you have papers for work to do, doesn't mean you should stay up all night." Gingerbrave sighed. "You're too much like your parent."
"Boo." Wizard muttered, though it was muffled. Gingerbrave spun around in his chair, causing Wizard to fall forwards onto his chest.
"Damn." Gingerbrave snorted.
"Don't." Wizards voice was muffled. "I'm exhausted."
"Then. Sleep." Gingerbrave stated.
Wizard breathed in, pushing himself up to stand. He groaned, hanging his head back.
"You're insufferable." He seethed. "You're lucky I love you."
Gingerbrave was never going to get used to him saying that. His face must have betrayed him, because Wizard smiled at him, his eyes glittering.
"Aw, can I not say that?" Wizard said softly. He bent down, reaching forwards and brushing his hair behind the others ear. His hand traced his face, and he rested it on the boys cheek.
"Love, you really should take your own advice. You looked exhausted." Wizard smiled.
Gingerbrave smirked slightly, quickly reaching up and pulling Wizards face to his. His hair was soft in Gingerbraves hand. He lifted his head up slightly, kissing his fiancé.
Wizard practically melted at this, letting his eyes flutter shut.
They stayed like this for a moment, milking what time they had, before the door to their room swung open and hit the wall so hard you'd have thought all of Earthbread could hear the bang. They split apart, jumping backwards at the noise and looking up. Custard stood in the doorway, looking from left to right at the two of them.
"Uh...sorry." He snorted. "But I'd like to talk to you both."
"...alright." Wizard coughed. Gingerbrave stood from the chair, rubbing the back of his neck.

Custard led them into a room, decorated with banners that had the theme of each of the ancients. Gingerbrave scowled, keeping his head low. Custard knew how he felt about his grandfather; but he tended to ignore it, pretend it didn't exist. Gingerbrave had spoken to Pure Vanilla recently, about the events of the Hollyberry Kingdom, but the disdain in his voice never showed. He was to be respectful, whether he liked the man or not.
A table sat center in the room, where the three sat. Custard held his hands together, his eyes closed. The other two exchanged a glance, worry clouding their eyes.
"I think I'm being followed. No, I- I know I am, and I have a sinking suspicion I know who it is." Custard said quietly.
Both stayed quiet, before Brave said;
"How do you know for sure..?"
"I've...seen a figure. Eyes, occasionally. Sometimes they're in plain sight. They never show their face, but..." Custard frowned. "I don't quite get what she'd want with me, though.."
Wizard frowned. "Who?"


Brave stood up quickly, his face having darkened.
"You're sure?" He hissed. "You're sure it's her?"
"I'm a negative way, I suppose." Custard groaned.
"What would she want with you?" Wizard muttered.
"That's the problem." He buried his head in his hands. "I thought she'd left, but..."
"Perhaps she's here for...some form of revenge." Wizard said quietly. The other two looked over. "You are...the grandson of her former master. The grandson of the man who brought White Lily back."
"Yes, but, it's been years.." Custard grumbled. "Why would she...?"
"Maybe she's been building up power. Maybe she's planning something." Wizard shrugged. "We just need to stay cautious."
"How can you brush this off so easily..?" Braves voice shook. Custard only held his head in his hands. The tension between the two had risen, far gone was the sweet nothings from only minutes earlier.
"We just have to stay calm." Wizard sighed. "I don't want to argue, Brave, but the most we can do is be careful. If it really is her, we don't how dangerous she's become and we don't know how powerful she is."
Gingerbrave looked back and forth between the boy he viewed as a little brother and the cookie he'd loved in both lifetimes, and sighed.
"Fine." His voice cracked. He turned back to Custard. "But truly, I want you to be careful. I can't...I can't lose you to her."
"Of course, Brave." Custard nodded. "I'll be fine, just you watch." Custard grinned, which made the former hero feel slightly better about the whole predicament. Only slightly.

The Waters of Sorrow [ Sequel Fic // Cookie Run: Kingdom AU ]Where stories live. Discover now