Chapter 7: You Got What it Takes?

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In the locker room, Izuku sitting down on a chair wrapped with shrink wrap and ice bags on his arms, shoulders, and legs. His body was begin to be wear down after a grueling match. Especially after it was a shoot match with someone with a quirk.

When he wrestled, it was for entertainment. His name has somewhat became big on social media for his wrestling matches. All the hard training his mind and body to take in any strong strikes and grappling pay off. Still, it doesn't mean he was invincible. He's human, and a quirkless one at that. He only got a pin fall win against as skilled as Itsuka Kendo. If it was in MMA rules, she would have escaped the pin and destroyed him.

The whole reason he focus on training was not just to be a wrestler, but he hoped one day he can be a hero in some way. And if he can't be one without a quirk, then he can show the world a hero doesn't need a power, but courage, strength, and willpower. He wondered if Kendo-chan believed he has what it takes to be both a wrestler and a hero.

"Oh that's easy. I don't have one."

Itsuka stared at him, somewhat surprised at the revealed truth.

"Wow! You really are strong and determined. Fighting without a quirk," she praised. "We should spar together. Maybe we can teach each other different moves and abilities?"

Izuku did not want to miss an opportunity to have a sparring partner. Don't get him wrong, he's settled on what he has to train, but sparring with someone skillful as Itsuka can improve either his grappling or stand up striking. And it's good to have someone to help him with different skills.

"I would like that."

"Cool! I'll hold on to your words!" Itsuka said before she lightly punched his aching shoulder.

After exchanging phone numbers, he was starting at his contact listing in amazed he has a new contact. He loves his mom, but he wanted to talk with his peers. Yet, being quirkless doesn't guarantee friends. Just look at his former friend Kacchan. He basically turn heel at him for not having a quirk. So imagine his now bully that the so call quirkless loser is strong enough to defend himself. Plus with the knowledge and observations of quirks, he was a scary person, according to those around him.

He can recall how many peers who tried to bully him can see his fierce glare. Izuku remember seeing wrestlers using psychology in the ring to make them feel scary or tough. So he made his own, and it would work only 80% of the time. There was those who then challenged him with their quirks. They believe that their quirks is strong enough against someone without one. Well, then he outclass them and put them in wrestling holds. If their was multiple of them, then he just uses his strong style attack, which was using elbows, knees, kicks, and his fists. Although he didn't learn how to strike much with his hands, his elbow and knees were his bread and butter. This would given him several detention from his school. He wasn't surprised at all.

"Izuku, this is the 3rd time you been in my office! When are you going to stop this nonsense? Accept that you aren't nothing special. Just a glorified quirkless delinquent!"

"Would stop putting submissions holds on your classmates Izuku!? They need to be strong to go to UA! They can't have someone like you making them look weak."

"Thuseless rebellion must stop now! You're here to understand you're not like other students through your thick skull. As a school counselor, I believe it would be best to not get close to anyone other students and be suspended of 3 weeks."

Oh he remember those days where it was him versus the world. His mom was the only person to make him understand that even though he's defending himself, he can't get into anyone trouble. And the many suspensions he earn to be away from school were spent on him getting faster, stronger, and smarter. So when they do try to get him in trouble, he can be quick and done with before he can get caught. For that, many students were now fearful of how strong the only quirkless kid in the school. This could also be to additional factor why he doesn't have any friends to hang out.

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