Chapter 2: Morning Routine

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A/N: Wow... I'm just speechless. Everyone like this concept of Izuku becoming a wrestler. I have no words to describe how happy I am to see you guys accept and like this. I thought you might find it dumb, but you guys shown to be interested in this. Thank you guys, and I want to say that I'll do my very best to make this fanfic good to read.

Now as for some who wants Izuku to be based on certain fictional and real wrestlers, I want to say that Izuku will have moments and some similar skills and to wrestlers I feel will fit Izuku. There are going to be some changes to how the story is from canon. I want Izuku to be strong and confident enough to stand on his two feet. As for him getting One for All, I still to need to think about it. I don't know whether or not he should use a quirk or not as he wrestles against fellow UA students and villains. I have plans for both scenario, but i need to make the right choice and i still need time for that. Like I said, I do want to change some things, but not too much to change Izuku entirely or his journey of becoming a hero. Now let's contiune with this story.

*Beep Beep

*Beep Beep

The room was still dark. The only source of light comes in form of an alarm clock set from a mobile phone. A hand emerges from the blankets covering the bed and was reaching for the device. It missed the phone two time in search of the noise. Finally, it grabs holds of the phone and takes it to the bed.

*Beep Beep

*Beep Beep

From there, a head comes out of the blanket with messy green hair that looks like a disaster has struck. This mess of a human being fix his hair on his closed eyes to open them. The same green eyes that once was alive only looks tired and drain of energy.

*Beep Beep

*Beep Beep

This preteen looks at the phone screen to see the alarm was set at five in the morning, which dawn would arrive in Japan. He turns off the alarm and yawn with great vigor. He then closes his mouth and rubs his eyes before he pulls the blanket off himself and sat on his bed. This person is Izuku Midoriya, now a teen boy who only has black shorts on with his green boxers underneath the clothing. The rest of his teenage body only shown little to no sign of body fat. In fact, the only weight he has was only the athletic frame of a wrestler. He has a six pack that looks like he has a hardening quirk, a chest that anyone can slap and will only hurt the attacker, broad shoulders that looks like he can carry a person on them, and a back that looks ripped. Also, but his arms were soft either as some veins appear on the skin and his muscle was truly shown as if he was rock solid. And to top it all off, he has a few scars here and there to add on to his great body.

Deku! Deku! Deku!

He can still recall how the people in the attendance from the abandoned gym was chanting his name last night. Ever since becoming a wrestling fan, he was also inspiring to be a wrestler himself. In order to do so, he decide to study how to get in shape, what skills he needs to learn, and type of body he wants to have. Now you are wondering why he decide to focus on being a wrestler than a hero. Why not do them both? He's a baby-face (a term used to describe a wrestler as a good guy, a hero) going against the heels (a term used to describe a bad guy, a villain). he keeps his eye on what's going on in public when heroes do their heroic duties.

He stretches his arms out and got out of his bed. He then walks to the mirror he has on the wall with All Might and wrestling posters behind it. he looks at himself and flex his muscle to feel how much hard work he has put his body through. He then looks on the top corner of the mirror to see his mask hanging. He slowly reaches for them and brought it close to his face. The mask was made of clothing, stitched decent enough to been seen as mask. It also has white thin cloth on the eyes hole with black outlining to not show his eyes much. On the lower half of the mask was only a fake smile drawn on by him. it was a decent smile on the mask to show that even through tough times, he can smile to comfort people and entertain them. Just like All Might. Just like a hero...

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