chapter 4

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Ben pov

Deborah? I said talking to my secretary though the intercom that was in my office

Yes, Your Majesty? She replied

Can you ask Lumiere to call me regarding Cotillion? I asked

Yes your majesty she said

Thank u I said as their was a knock on the door

Come in I said as Evie came with a sad look on her face. It looked like she had been crying

Evie what's wrong I asked

Mal's gone. She went back to the isle Evie said handing me the note she left and my signet ring I have her the day I was crowned king

What have I done? This is my fault. I-I blew it. She'd been under so much pressure lately, and instead of being understanding, I just went all Beast on her. I have to go there and apologize. I have to go there and--and beg her to come back. I said as evie shook her head

Ben, you'll never find her. You need to know the Isle and how it works and...You have to take me with you. Evie said as I looked at her

Yes! Uh, are--are you sure? I asked knowing how Evie felt about the isle

She's my best friend. And we'll bring the boys, too, because there's safety in numbers, and none of us is really too popular over there right now. Evie said

Thank you. I said

But let's get two things straight. You have to promise me that I won't get stuck there again. Evie said as I nodded my head

I promise I said

And there's no way you're going looking like that. Evie said

Simba pov

Me and nala was currently relaxing in the family room when savannah walked in

Mom, dad can I ask u a question? Savannah asked

Sure honey Nala said as I picked up my glass of water 

Who's quintessa savannah asked

Well I do believe that's the daughter of the queen of hearts Nala said

Why do u ask I asked

Because remember I had that biology project using my DNA to find out about my family tree? Savannah said as we nodded

Well quintessa's DNA matched with mine savannah said as me and Nala shared a look then nodded

Savannah go get your sister this is something u both need to hear I said as she nodded and ran to find Sarah

Simba are u sure about this Nala asked

Yes they deserve to know the truth I said as Nala nodded

Soon savannah returned with Sarah

What's this all about Sarah asked

You have an older sister named quintessa. Her mother is the queen of hearts and before u ask no I didn't have an affair with your mother this was before we got together I said

I watched as the twins took in this newfound information

So if she's your daughter why doesn't she live here in auradon Sarah asked

Yeah why didn't in u keep quintessa? Why did u just let her live on the isle? Savannah asked

I wanted to keep her but the queen of hearts wanted to keep her and beast didn't really want her living in auradon just because her mother was a villain I said

That's so stupid.  she was just a baby. Babies aren't born evil they are raised that way. Savannah said we know that is but beast was really set in he's ways back then

He's still that way if he was still king Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos would still be on the isle Sarah said

She did have a point beast is still a bit old fashioned

What are u think savannah Nala asked as I noticed savannah pacing which she only did when she was thinking

Quintessa could come to auradon I mean think about it Ben is king know and his proclamation about being the children of the isle to auradon is still in place and if he knows that she's your daughter he would bring her over savannah said

Yeah Sarah said

Well it couldn't hurt to ask Nala said as I nodded agreeing

I haven't seen her since she was 2 she should be about 17 by now I thought

Perfect we can ask him at the party savannah said

I just hope the queen of hearts didn't make her too evil

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