chapter 7

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Quintessa pov

I was stunned uma has never talked to me like that before and for some reason it turned me on but that wasn't the point

She's angry at me and I didn't like it and she was right I had to make a choice I couldn't date them both it wouldn't be Fair for either one of them especially not for uma

I knew what I needed to do

I made my way to Mal's hide out making sure to stay in the shadows as I passed Mal who was on her way to meet uma

I soon arrived at hide out and overhead Evie say my name

Carlos pov

Well since we are just gonna be seating here u may as well tell us what quintessa meant by u where gonna take her to meet her father Evie said

Yeah what's up with that I thought her father was some guy that was in the isle Jay said as I sighed

Her father is Simba you know the king of pride rock I said

Woah she is technically a princess jay said

I'm not technically anything I am a princess quintessa said making us jump

My mother is princess cora Mills but she stopped going by that name her daughter betrayed and vanished to wonderland where she became the queen of hearts quintessa said

I didn't know she had another daughter. What's her name Evie asked

Regina Mills but u know her villain name the evil queen quintessa said as Evie gasped

So that would make u my aunt Evie said

Yes but I never saw u as my niece since my mom hates the evil queen for what she did quintessa said

What are u doing here I asked knowing she wasn't here to just give us her and apparently Evie's family history

I came here to talk to u in private quintessa said as I shook my head

No if we are gonna talk I want to have witnesses I said scared that should hurt me for leaving her

Fine. I want to know the truth. Did u actually love me or was it just for protection quintessa asked as I sighed

Yes I mean you're the queen of the isle people feared and respected u I said

Carlos u were in Mal's gang why did u need quintessa's protection Jay asked

We where together before Mal finally allowed me in her gang I said as Jay nodded

yeah that's right Jay said

Then why didn't u break up with me when u joined Mal's gang why did continue to date me quintessa asked

Because I afraid of what you would have done if I did break up with u I didn't want my heart ripped out I said as quintessa laughed a little

That's not good

So u thought it would be better if u just lie to me all that time and then go of to auradon and not give me a second thought quintessa asked

Yes I said as she slowly nodded

You know Carlos people say women are the most dangerous creatures on the planet and that u shouldn't mess with their emotions. You should have told me the truth u shouldn't be have lied and I'll never forgive u for that quintessa said as she turned to leave but stopped

Do u have a girlfriend in auradon she asked

No but I do have feelings for someone I said as she just nodded and left disappearing into the shadows

U ok Jay asked

I feel like a jackass I said honestly

Good that should teach u not to treat girls like that. And if u truly love Jane you better treat her way better then u did quintessa Evie said as Mal walked in

What happened she asked

I'll tell u later what happened with uma Evie said as Mal told us about what uma wanted

There's no way we're gonna give Uma the wand. Evie said

We can't just let her destroy Auradon. I said

Uma doesn't get the wand, then Ben is toast. Mal said

Right, so, we're gonna give Uma, of all people, the wand. Jay said

We don't have any other choice evie said

Wait Carlos your 3-D printer Mal said

Right we could make a fake wand and give that to uma I said

And the second Uma tests it, she'll know it's fake then what Evie said

Well, okay, so then we just get Ben out really fast. We need some kind of diversion. Mal said

Smoke bombs jay said as we nodded

That's perfect. I'll get the chemicals I need from Lady Tremaine's place. That could work. Evie said as she noticed Mal's hair

Oh, and sick hair, by the way. Evil Stepmom seriously stepped up her game. Evie said

Okay, do you want to know something? Dizzy did this. Mal replied

Little Dizzy? Shut up! Evie said

I know. I'm, like, loving it. It's, like, a lot lighter. Really proud of her. Mal said as me and Jay rolled out eyes

We have a real emergency on our hands and these two are talking about hair

Guys! Not the time. I said getting their attention

Right. Carlos, Jay, you guys meet us at Pirates Bay no later than noon. Mal said as we nodded

And, you guys, losing-- not an option. 'Cause we're rotten... Mal said

To the core we said together

Let's go Mal said as we went our separate ways

Man I hope this plan works

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