Meyo was looking for Ziro when she found him in deep thought.
"Hi, Ziro." Meyo is seducing him.
"What do you want?" Ziro asked without even looking at her.
"Nothing, I just want to see you. Anyway, Where were you last night? I've been looking for you." Meyo asked while trying to be more sexier.
"It's None of your business." Ziro answered in a cold voice and left her dumbfolded.
Meyo watched him walking away and she smirked.
"Hm, Feeling hard to get? I will get you. just wait and see, Ziro. You will going to be mine." Meyo
Otherside, Shura was having an exercise, practicing with her sword like she was dancing.
"Hello there, Princess Shura." Tasuke greeted her with a smile.
"Hey there..." Shura didn't even look at him and still doing what she's doing.
"You know, Hades was looking for you last night like a crazy, lunatic, and maniac human being. Who was he?" Tasuke asked her while leaning in a tree, still wearing coat with hood, covering himself against the sunlight.
Shura stopped and looked at him.
"A guardian of mine and a friend." Shura started wiping her sweat with an extra cloth.
"Tsk, tsk, poor guy." Tasuke sais disappointmently.
"And why would he be?" Shura asked.
"Oh, Nothing. You know." Tasuke said in a gay style and smiled.

VampireA place where caste system does not apply. A place where everything is about survival, love, and trust over powers everything. A place where zombies are considered as most feared and the vampires archenemy. A place where only a single race is allowe...