In the next day, They are walking on the road when they found an abandoned dress shop. Ziro stopped.
"Why did we stop?" Shura asked with curiousity.
"Do you want to wear that dress forever?" Ziro pointed out Shura's dress.
Her dress was a mess and it smelled dried blood. She looked at her people and their dress are dirty and full of dried blood.
" I guess we need to change our clothes." Shura
Few survived the incident last two days ago. Everyone went inside and grabbed clothes they want to wear except those 5 weirdos who saved them.
"Hades, do you have any idea why they're hiding themselves with their black coat? Are they afraid of the sunlight?" Shura asked Hades while looking for a dress.
"According to what I observe, they are pale as a white, they wear black, they don't talk, they don't eat, and they hide from the sunlight." Hades said while touching his chin as he is thinking.
While the two are talking, Shiro is listening to their conversation while looking at the 5 weirdos.
In the night, it was full moon. Their only light is the moonlight. They were fighting against zombies. They were too many zombies to kill. The five weirdos are already tired as well as Shura, Shiro, and Hades.
"They were too many, you know." Tasuke said.
"Yeah, you're right. It's time to go back." Ziro said and was exhausted.
They went back to the safe place.
Zombies continued banging the walls. They were sorrounded. But Juliet's power 'shield/barrier' started to circle the house, the groaning and banging sounds started to fade. While they were resting, Princess Shura noticed that one of the weird is missing. The one that save her yesterday."Where did he go?" Princess Shura asked herself.
She started looking for him.
After minutes, she found him somewhere in the dark where no one can notice him. She came closer to him and she noticed that he is breathing so loud and deep. He looked tired and paler than before. He is sweating and looked like he is sick.
"What is happening to you, Mister? " P. Shura asked but he didn't answer.
" Are you sick? Is there anything I can do for you?" She asked again.
He looked at her first.
"Frankly saying , Yes." he is still breathing loudly and deeply while looking at her.
"Then what is it?" She asked again.
"Come closer." he whispered.
"What?" She didn't hear what he said.
"I said, come closer." he commanded her.
She came closer to him and wait for further instruction. Suddenly, he grabbed her nape gently closer to him. She was still curious why.
"I'm sorry, Princess." and before she realized what he said, he bit her. On the side if her neck which made her want to scream but he immediately sealed her scream by covering her mouth with the use of his hand.
Shura whimpered while holding his dress tightly because of the pain she felt. She can hears the gulping sound made by him as he drank her blood.
"V--vam--vampire." she's getting weak and slowly closed her eyes welcoming the darkness.
In the morning, Shura opened her eyes slowly. She saw Ziro sleeping while in a sitting position. She noticed that Ziro's right leg as her pillow. She stood up abruptly and tried to remember what happened last night.
"What did I do? Why am I here with him? What happened?" She asked herself and started to remember what happened before she blacked out.
"Right. He is a vampire. so that's why he was afraid of the sunlight, he was pale as white, wearing black, and don't eat anything." Shura said to herself. "HE IS A BLOODSUCKER." she added.
Princess Shura had bad memories with vampires. Her mom died because of them.
"But why am I still alive?" She started checking herself if she is alive and she looked at him. she can't help not touch him. His skin is cold like freezed flesh and then looked at his face.
"No wonder Meyo likes him. He's cute." Shura whispered.
Suddenly, His eyes opened as she finished the words.
"Are you done harassing me?" He asked her with a smirk.
"Huh? What? No!" She quickly stood up and left.
Ziro just watched her left. Something is bothering him about the Princess. He can't point it out yet. He needs to observe her for more.
Shura was walking when she met her brother and Hades.
"Sister Shura, Where were you last night? " Shiro looked worried.
"Ahm, I-I just ---" Shura stuttering while looking for some excuse.
"She's with me last night." Ziro said while getting near to Shura.
"Z-ziro?" Shura
"Your sister is like a pig when she snores." Ziro
"What?! How dare you! I don't snore. You, Cold-hearted!" Shura drew her sword and swing it towards Ziro.
Ziro blocked it with his two fingers.
"This thing--can't hurt me." Ziro said then vanished.
"What is the meaning of that, mylady?" Hades asked. He looked jealous.
"We didn't do anything." Shura defended herself.
" Just Don't do it again because someone got jealous." Shiro said while looking at him.
"Who? Meyo? Don't worry, I don't like him, and anyway, I know who really he is now. " Shura said while crossing her arms.
"what do you mean, mylady?" Hades
"you're not gonna believe it." Shura
"What is it, Sister Shura? " Shiro.
"You're too young, Shiro. I'm gonna tell you in the right time but not now." Shura.
To be continue...
03-28-15 @ 9:30 PM

VampireA place where caste system does not apply. A place where everything is about survival, love, and trust over powers everything. A place where zombies are considered as most feared and the vampires archenemy. A place where only a single race is allowe...