In the next morning, some of her people survived that night. Some cried, some were hungry, children were scared, and all of them didn't know what to do. Princess Shura started to walk together with her brother and Hades to start their journey. Without their notice, the fake Princess started to follow them and then the rest who survived started to follow the fake Princess.
After many hours, they were still walking without taking a rest.
"Hey! Where are you going?!" Fake Princess, Meyo, asked Shura exhaustedly.
" And why did you ask, 'PRINCESS' ? " Shura asked without looking at Meyo and still walking.
"Because I need PROTECTION, I mean we need protection from those ugly creatures. I can't help it. I followed you and they followed me. As your Princess of the Clow, I command you three to Protect me!" Meyo yelled.
They stopped and faced Meyo. Meyo also stopped and the others too.
"We don't owe you." Hades
"Pfft.You----" Hades drew his sword and pointed to Meyo.
"Hades, stop it! We have to protect these people." Shura whispered to him.
"But I promised King Felix that I will save you two, Not them." Hades whispered back pointed at her and then the other.
"But Hades, they are still my people, I can't just leave here. They need us." Shura.
Hades stared at her before he sighed.
"As you wish, My lady." Hades said while putting his sword back.
"Thank you Hades." Shura hugged him
"You're welcome." Hades.
They stopped.
"It's getting dark. We need to find a safe place." Hades
Everyone started to feel scared.
"Yeah, I guess we need to---" Shura was interrupted.
"Aaah!!!"Someone screamed.
They looked at the source of the scream and they saw zombies are approaching. Just behind them.
Everyone panicked and scattered to hide and find a safe place.
"God, Help us. Everyone! Run!" Princess Shura yelled.
"My lady. Prince Shiro. Stay by my side." Hades said while gathering his two highnesses on his side.
" Shura, Can I have my sword? Let me fight." Prince Shiro asked his sister with calm voice.
Princess Shura stared at her little brother first before giving the sword to him.
"Be careful." Princess Shura said then she drew her sword also.
She is scared but she is trying to be brave for her little brother and for her people.
They drew their swords and started slicing the zombies apart. While fighting with the zombies, they started to be apart also.
"Princess! stay with me! I can't protect you if you're far from me!" Hades was still fighting with the zombies.
"I can protect myself! Protect Shiro! " Shura
"Shura, I can protect myself too!" Shiro started swinging his sword like dancing. No more Crybaby Shiro, He looked mature while fighting.
Princess Shura was swinging her sword and suddenly stopped when she noticed this little girl with a bloody dress and also in her mouth. She is staring at the innocent little girl when the little girl grabbed her sword and dropped the sword. Little did she know, the little girl attacked her. All Shura could do was covered her face with her arm.
"Is this how my life will end?" Shura asked herself.
"Princess Shura!" Hades shouted.
"Sister!" Shiro shouted at the same time and went after Shura.
They suddenly heard a gunshot. Everything seems stop moving. Shura was showered with blood. She stopped moving and just watched the little girl fell on the ground.
"Don't just stand there. Get your sword." a man wearing a black coat with a hood covering his entire face appeared in front of her. He stared at her with cold eyes.
She looked at him and then instantly followed what he just said. He started firing zombies.
"Who are you?" She suddenly asked.
"Sorry, we're late." a girl who also wear a black coat with a hood appeared walking towards her. When zombies run towards her, she's just swaying her hands to them and they were pushed away.
Then they saw a fire coming from a guy who also wear a black coat with a hood and burning zombies who blocked his way. The other guy started to freeze some zombies with his hands. Also another guy appeared and stood still while chanting spell and zombies who come closer to him exploded. And the last but not the least, the one who save Shura, he shot the freeze zombies one by one.
Shura was shocked about what she witnessed.
"Who are these people?" Shura asked herself.
To be continue...
12|22|14 @ 3:39 pm

VampirA place where caste system does not apply. A place where everything is about survival, love, and trust over powers everything. A place where zombies are considered as most feared and the vampires archenemy. A place where only a single race is allowe...