1| Walking to school 🔆

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Y/n POV 💐


I wake up slamming my stupid alarm clock and sitting up with the blanket falling off the bed

"I don't wanna go to school though, imma gonna diee"

I get off my bed looking like crap and getting up to my walk-in closet to get my uniform

"I hate the fact it's green"

I walk to my bathroom in my room to change in my uniform and brush my hair then wash my teeth to look presentable

I going downstairs to the kitchen and get my school lunch in the fridge, my mom left because she goes to work at 6:30 am

I head towards the door depressed because my hell of school with annoying kids I have to see and not care for,
I start walking to school and apparently walk with another kid with the same uniform 'but I think the cut their outfit to look edgy? pfft what an emo dude-' they saw me looking at them and started to slow down, I think to chat with me

"Oh hey! We going to the same school, I'm Jet black Wings and I'll destroy Dark Reunion" the emo says proudly and smiling brightly with his hand with red bandages to his face

'now I'm not an awful human being and as much I want run away to the school then chat with Jet Wings...
Fuck it I'll talk to him'

"Hey Jet, tell me your real name cause I bet it's shorter and yeah we are going to the same school"
I say cringing to myself because I don't like talking to people anymore cause it's tireding, as we start walking to school together

"My name is Kaidou Shun!" Kaidou says so excited that someone actually is not being mean to him for being different and himself

"Im guessing we live close together huh Kaidou, well I guess we will just walk together for school now"

'he seem happy that I started talking back to him, I think people won't like him so I'll just be his friend then'

"Really! Oh what's your name frien- I mean side-kick uhh.."
Kaidou start thinking of an hero name for me

"Well Jet Wings my name is L/n Y/n and hero name is Demonic Flowers" I say

"Yes! That it my side-kick Demonic Flowers and Jet Black Wings let's walk to the battlefield we call school!" Kaidou says nodding his head

'agree, school is a battlefield of hell Kaidou'

"Oh hey we arrived to school see you later Kaidou!" I said not annoyed talking to someone for once 'huh.'

"Okay, see you later l/n!"

"You too Kaidou"
I wave at him

Oh I forget to say but I have a resting bitch face and don't know how to react most of the time so I'm just straight face all the time so I'll say when I do remotely make any reaction

I go to the school gym to listen to the announcements the principal is speeching about but of course for bad luck.

This bright blueberry is next to me and I wanna cry because 'I hate looking at her it burns what the hell man, god hates me.'

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