3| Kaidou, AKA Jet 🗡️

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I wake up slamming my clock like every morning to which I get up to get change, brush hair, brush my teeth
And my new thing-
Walking with Kaidou to school

"Hey l/n, I was waiting outside your place let's go!" Kaidou says excited

"Good morning Kaidou, are we in the same class?" I ask because I want to know somebody in class

"Oh I'm in class 3!" Kaidou explain to me

'oh so we are in the same class, cool'

"I'm in class 3 as well" I say looking forward to class now

'im Shun Kaidou, an 11th grader at PK Academy'

'at least that my cover story, in reality I have a force called black beat derwell my right arm'

'but they are trying to steal this power form me to create a new world order, yes I'm referring to Dark Reunion!'

'but with my power I'll protect the world, I the Jet Black Wings'

As I'm walking with Mr. Jet's, he just start chuckling all a sudden


'his body grade 11 but his mind is grade 8'

'ah Pinky is also at the school entrance with us'

' I prefer you calling me pink hair then Pinky'


'well I be damn, there a couple of kids that I remember'

'well Kaidou is my only friend but he sitting away from me'

"And I'm sitting on the right side of the Pink kid'

Kids start talking behind me and say
"Did you hear a deadly snake escape from the local zoo"

'yo snakes! Any snakes lovers here <3'

I just look at my desk deciding to get my sketch book out

"There a poisonous snake on the losses?"

'yes, duh that what he said'

I start drawing a snake 'its not a bad drawing but it's decent'

Then Kaidou opens his mouth and says "Are you sure it escapes?"

"An animal attack is just the attack they come up with"

'Kaidou, Jet what are you on about??'

I put my head down, second hand embarrassment

"But fear not! I the Jet Black Wings is never by their evil deceptions"

"Somebody must of set that snake out on purpose" Kaidou keeps talking on about

I sit up, and start sketch mini snakes
'FREEDOM FOR SNAKES WHOO- I mean how totally evil Kaidou ಥ‿ಥ '

"Hang on, you know who did this Kaidou!" A random kid at the desk behind me says

'imma just pretend I'm not listening but he doesn't know actually'
I go back putting my head down and fake sleep

"Some wanna be super villain called the Black Wings?" Another kid said confused

'no one ever listens, bruh'

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