2| Nurse offices 🩹

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'God hates me'

I just try to ignore this bright ball of sunshine but she start talking by introducing herself to me like I care

"Hey I'm Teruhashi Kokomi!" She said looking at me smiling sweetly, it make me look away at the floor because she very bright

Teruhashi thinks 'aw she must be shyy'

'i hate this, she trying to make me go blind bruh go away!' I look at her with my resting bitch face I have and say

"hello" nodding then looking away

'what, I'm perfect though! but what if she just might be shy well ill-'

Then out of fucking no where some green boi pass out, people start yelling
"He collapsed"
"Is he anemic?"

'Damn well shit I hope he all right'

and someone tall guy with a cool looking hair cut and butt chin start yelling saying "what happen buddy!!"

He then start grabbing the guy upwards and shaking him side to side

'well he not a bad guy'

Well he is punching him now

'well I don't think he is...'

'ouch, now I'm freaking out'
he just started kissing him

'okay i take it back, he's evil'

so I start run toward the stranger to tell the tall boi that it's not how CPR works!

'just let the idiot be'

"Hey dude that not what CPR is, your not meant to be doing that man!" I yell running towards the big fellow

He turns to face me
"Really? But I see in movies all the time though!"

I wanna start laughing but I don't
'and here I thought he might a weirdo but he just silly'

'how is him kissing this pass out guy funny?'

"No, that's not CPR and don't believe everything in movies"

Suddenly a teacher is coming towards me and Nendou
"Nendou what do you think your doing?! Take him to the Nurses"

'His name is Nendou okay'

"Oh, what the nurse alright" Nendou says looking at the teacher

"oh L/n and Saiki go with the two of them, I don't trust Nendou to find it"

'damn it'
'really, don't do this to me god'


We made it to the nurse room
'weird the nurses isn't here huh'

"Huh the nurse is dead too, that's werid, well I guess I have to do mouth to mouth on you myself"

'please don't...'
'pfft, what did we just talk about dude'

Nendou start walking towards the bed then all of a sudden the green hair boi throws Nendou off

'Jesus he threw him towards the bed, making him hit his head damn!'

The green hair boi start running to the sink in the room then saids
"I don't need mouth to mouth you stupid idiot!"

Saiki K x Y/N [We Are All Idiots] Where stories live. Discover now