{Chapter 8} I Love You.....

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~Moni's POV~
"Chris?" I said
There was no answer
"Chris stop playing.. get the fuck up!" I yelled
"Please" I said crying into my hands
My bestfriend held me while the ambulance took him to the hospital and I followed right behind them. My mom took me and my bestfriend to the hospital and when I got there he was rushed to the back because they didn't know why he wasn't awake or responding.
3 hours later☆
~Moni's POV~
"Its been 3 hours can I see him yet" I asked the receptionist
"O yeah he was in a room an hour and a half ago" she said
"Really wtf you got me sitting out here crying worried and he already in a room and you couldnt tell us that wtf is wrong with you" i yelled
I dont curse infront if my mom but i was mad worried sad and she understood
"Sorry I forgot" she said
"Not bitch no need to be sorry just tell me the fucking room number" I said angrily
"7" she said with wide eyes
"7 thats a good sign" I thought
I ran as fast as I could not waiting for directions to the room... I finally found it and I walked in.
"Chris?" I said
He was still asleep
"Hes in a coma" the doctor said
"WHAT!?!?" I said crying into my hands falling to my knees
"Yeah im sorry its up to him if he wakes up or not" he said
"How did this happen" i said
"He sprained his ankle which made him collapse and when he fell he hit his head pretty hard" he said trying to comfort me
I just went to sit next to him on the bed and started to talk to him in hopes he can hear me.
"Chris listen to me your going to fight this and you are going to wake up"
"You are going to be okay im here for you and i always will be"
"When you wake up ima be right here with you" i said trying not to cry
☆2 days later☆
~Moni's POV~
I've been at the hospital with Chris for 2 days now and i havnt slept either. My bestfriend brought me my homework for a week so i wouldnt be behind.
I just finished my math and I was sitting on the corner and i heard a noise....
"Moni?" the voice said
As I turned around I see Chris fluttering his eyes open at me and a small smile on his face.
"Omg Chris dont ever do that again to me" I said crying
"Im sorry what happened" he asked
"Never mind that just dont leave me again especially like that" I said
Then I said something that shocked me
"I LOVE YOU" I said with amazement I said that
Chris looked at me with wide eyes
"Really" he struggled to say
"Yea" I said looking at the floor embarrassed
"I Love You too" He said struggling to sit up and kiss me.......

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