Dream crushed..?

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Mentions of brutal bullying! If you are easily triggered by harsh words please don't read!

3rd person POV

Izuku Midoriya. A young boy who met his blonde best friend, Katsuki Bakugou, at age 3. However, when he was known to be quirkless...his life changed. Everything was bad. At age 7, Izuku's Mother was found dead outside of their home by local police. The call he got from the police broke his heart. He couldn't go to anyone for comfort.. When Mitsuki found out Izuku was quirkless she stopped talking to the Midoriya's. Katsuki was bullying Izuku, and no one cared about him.

After 4 years he mostly healed from the incident. But his life still got worse..

Izuku Midoriya POV
Age 13
Grade 7

Okay Izuku.. first year back in Aldera Junior high... hopefully everyone thinks differently right? I thought to myself getting ready. I got up and went downstairs. I looked to my left to see just an empty living room area, backed up by he dining and kitchen area. I love you mom.. I thought.

I arrived at Aldera. The atmosphere felt dark, scary. The air around it was dry and suffocating. I could tell not a single thing about this school changed. But that all depends on the people inside.

New year new beginnings! I thought as I took a deep breath and walked in the building. Everyone looked towards me, as if expecting me. They groaned and rolled their eyes at the sight of me. Okay..not the best greeting but at least I didn't get hurt.

I walked through the halls and went to my homeroom classroom.

"Well if it isn't Izuku Midoriya..I hope you fixed that habit of being late. Now take a seat."

I sighed and sat down. Okay..same teacher and emotions...but not too bad of a start. About a fourth through the class, someone walked in. I looked up from my notes and heart immediately dropped.

Oh no..

"Well if it isn't our favorite Katsuki Bakugou!! Welcome back! Please have a seat!"

"Yeah yeah whatever."

Please don't see me, pleaseeeee don't see me... I tucked my head down to avoid being noticed.

"You can sit right next to Midoriya."

Damnit..I'm done for... Kacchan looked towards me in horror and anger. Why does the world hate me...


After classes I panicked at my locker. I turned my eyes but stayed facing the locker. I saw fangirls screaming in excitement and some guys pumped. Kacchan was walking down the hallway with that cocky look with his hands behind his head as he walked. His two little friends in the back with there hands in their pockets. I hurried to grab my things as I slammed my locker closed and tried to speed walk away.

"If it isn't the pathetic little bastard Deku. Stay right where the fuck you are nerd!" Oh no no no no no... I pivoted as I made eye contact with my one and only childhood friend, now bully, Katsuki Bakugou.

"Eh...haha h-hi Kacchan...w-what brings you here haha.."

"Listen you fucking loser! Don't you dare fucking ruin my reputation with that friendly nerdy shit you do. And don't you DARE try to be better than me! Or else...-"

He grabbed my shirt and came close to me with an angry smile across his face.

"-I'll beat the shit out of you until you are practically dead you hear me?.."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2022 ⏰

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