Chapter Eighteen: The Journey to Scotland

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After the new change of location for the "lesson", Harry continues to journey to Aaliyah's place to help her with the remainder of the days they have. She's improved greatly and he rarely needs to interrupt her to correct a mistake since she doesn't make any. Occasionally, she'll stop playing halfway to excitedly tell him about something, like a dream or an idea she had, and though he likes to focus on one thing at a time, listening to her ramble about other things helps his mood.

The only issue is that her aunt or uncle is always present during their lessons. Even though nothing large has changed between the way they speak to each other, Harry feels as if Aaliyah looks at him differently. For a longer period of time, and her eyes soften just the slightest when she stops playing and glances at him for approval. He always gives it.

That is how the next few days go, and within the blink of an eye, Harry is neatly tucking clothes into his trunk as Roger and the coachmen ready the carriage and horses for their journey.

Faiz and Ruhina will be joining them. They'll all be in one carriage for the entire duration of the journey, which makes Harry irritated simply at the thought of it. Not because he wishes to get time alone with Aaliyah, but because he'll be cramped. And because he wishes to have time with Aaliyah.

She'd excitedly told him after stopping halfway through her piece that her auntie and uncle have allowed her to ride with Ruhina and Faiz and him because they've acted as her chaperones several times now. Harry likes how lenient her family is, but it makes him nervous to learn what type of people her extended family is in Scotland. Aaliyah said her aunt and uncle were the only ones to take her in.

Her aunt and uncle depart a day before Aaliyah with their daughter. When the carriage arrives at her place, his heart flutters in his chest. He steps out and helps her into the carriage she comes running to.

"Easy," he says, his eyes greedily taking her in. It's early, but she looks like she's been awake for a long time. Her smile is the widest he's ever seen, a flame in her eyes that makes him want to grab her and kiss her hard. "Don't hit your–"

She hits her head entering the carriage and he sighs.

She's rubbing the top of her head all irritated when he climbs in after her.

"Will there ever be a time when you don't hit your head?" he murmurs, sliding into his seat.

"I hope so," she groans. Then, as if magically, her face clears and she leans forward, grabbing Ruhina's hand. "Oh, are you excited? You're going to see Scotland!"

"I havena been able to stop thinking about it! It'll be amazing! Did you get all your trunks in the back?"

Immediately after that, the coachman knocks on the window and says, "Miss Kincaid, your trunks are extremely hard to fit back there. I'm not sure it's secured."

She frowns, opening her mouth to answer, but Faiz beats her to it. "We'll manage. I'm sure once we get started, things will get situated."

Harry pays no mind to it until Faiz winks at Ruhina and Aaliyah. Then he frowns just as deep as Aaliyah.


"Shush, jaanu. Everything is handled."

"What is handled?"

Within seconds, the carriage rocks to a start and Aaliyah loses all the confusion as she giggles with excitement. "I'm going home!"

Harry would be lying if he said he wasn't worried about the amount Aaliyah seemed to pack. As the sister of the bride, it's understandable that she must bring a lot with her, especially going through country borders after being away for months, but three whole trunks? Filled with just her belongings? It seems like she's planning on staying in Scotland for a long time. He doesn't say anything.

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