Aaliyah and Harry's first meeting (Aaliyah's POV)

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hello hi it's me. i wrote this for funsies and have no idea where to post it, so here it is. it's basically chapter 1 but in aaliyah's POV. i think it's kinda fun! i hope you think so too! 5.3k words.


Aaliyah can handle new places. She can.

In Scotland, she loved exploring new cities and villages, especially alone with her coachman as a chaperone (who'd ultimately leave her alone when she'd go into shops and cafes). She knows how to talk with people. She knows how to be friendly and inviting, how to get people attracted to speaking with her, how to be ladylike ... for the most part. She knows how to compliment the women, how to nod respectfully at the men who like to talk about their work no matter how tedious and boring it is, and how to work people so that she seems acceptable in their eyes.

But ever since she came to England three months ago, all her understanding of making people like her has just gone out the window. It doesn't matter if she is alone, but even with her family around her, she finds it impossible to get herself out there to speak. She feels a little ridiculous asking for her aunt to accompany her to soirees and balls as if she's stepping out into a new season ready to get married. that's. Actually, the mere thought of it has her wanting to hurl. She feels like a child when she asks for someone to come with her to those types of places.

Aaliyah is lucky to find a friend in Lord Ahman's intended, Lady Ruhina, who was immediately taken with Aaliyah upon their first meeting a few weeks ago at the one, and only, party that Aaliyah's aunt went to with her. It had been awkward trying to get herself into the crowd, and even more awkward when she'd dance with young men who were handsome but terrible to speak to. Despite normally being good at speaking with strangers, Aaliyah's habit of speaking out of turn when she's nervous made matters worse. She'd be talking, but nothing of actual substance would come out of her mouth. And nothing that these young men would be interested in – or understand since they'd cock their heads to the side and look at her with wide, confused eyes.

It was a big disappointment.

But Lady Ruhina has seen herself in her because she claimed she too felt like an outsider. Lady Ruhina has lived in England her whole life, having only been born in India, but she tells Aaliyah that the crowd when you're unmarried is far different than the married crowd. Most single women have no idea what to talk to married women about – especially with Lady Ruhina since she says a lot of women wanted to marry Lord Ahman and were jealous when he ended up choosing her.

When Aaliyah met the infamous man, it was completely on a whim. Lady Ruhina and Aaliyah had agreed to meet for lunch at Lady Ruhina's place, but Aaliyah hadn't known that Lord Ahman was living there as well. Or rather that it was his estate anyways. He had come down the stairs, calling for his fiancée. He'd found her in the dining area with Aaliyah, and upon seeing him, Aaliyah recognized immediately why people would be jealous of the lady.

Lord Faiz Ahman stood tall, his dark hair falling into his eyes, a smile constantly curled on his lips. His eyes were a beautiful shade of chocolate brown, and the eyeliner around them made them darker. He had appeared handsome, his cane matching with his white and gold clothing. His eyes immediately met his fiancée's over Aaliyah's head and he grinned.

"My apologies, meri jaan," he'd drawled. "I didn't realize you'd have a guest over. I shall come back at a later time to pester you."

Aaliyah had scrambled up and bowed. "Good afternoon, my lord."

"May I introduce to you my new friend, Miss Aaliyah Kincaid. She is from Scotland. Isn't that fun?"

"It's good to meet you. Welcome to England," Lord Ahman said politely. "What brings you here?"

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