Chapter 1

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June 10th, 2029
My arrival in Bungy county was quite and long. I drove down the wooded area headed to the home my grandmother left me. I hadn't seen it in a long time so I was excited to even see it. I can't believe that I was the one out of the whole family to get it. When my grandmother died the only thing I had to remind me of her was my necklace. My parents had thrown away most of my stuff when I went to the hospital. I was depressed so they had me committed I never understood why. I was never in the way like ever. She just couldn't handle the fact that I was never going to be the dater she wanted and so I left. I haven't talked to her in years maybe that's because we blocked each other on everything. I just want this place to be a fresh start something that I could reward myself for all the hard work I've done. As I was driving I saw an animal on the side of the road I pulled over to look at it to see if it was still alive. When I saw that it was a black cat with it's leg all bloody my head went fuzzy and before I new it. I was parked on the side of the road and getting out of my car. I walk up to it and it was still breathing. I tapped its sides to check if there was any internal damage. It seemed fine so I went to my trunk of my car and looked through some of the bags and found the one I was looking for. I dug through it for a second until I found what I was looking for. A ruler and I grabbed the Meg kit in the corner. I pulled out a white sanitary wrap. I speed walk back to the cat and touch its leg and it flinched it. I set the ruler where it needed to go and started to rap it. I secured it and ran back to my car and grabbed a blanket.

I brought the cat to my car and set her in the passenger seat. I drove slightly fast because once I got to the house I'd be able to check the cat more. I had taken a liking to medical stuff wether it was animals or humans. I grew up with many small animals who would get hurt by neighbor hood dogs and I just picked a lot of stuff up.

Same date

I saw the most beautiful woman in all my years on this planet. She had golden brown hair that shined a red in any type of light. He face was filled with freckles and she had many dimples. When she looked up at the trees and I see her eyes they were a golden brown with a tint of yellow. Her figure was the shape of a penny bun stem and he big poofy hair made the cap of the penny bun. Her hair was big and curly but not tight curls more like loose but bunches into a poof. It looked like a tree. In fact everything about her felt ethereal the way she was worried about the irritable Bakeneko. He's always getting under my skin. And the one beautiful being I've seen in all my millenniums of being on this earth he had to be seen first. I must fallow we're she is going or else that nuisance will get to her first.

That idiotic Bakeneko will be the death of me. He never gives me any possibility to advise him ever. With all the people that have stoped coming into my forest he's become lonely because the other creatures don't like how ignorant and mischief he is. There aren't others of his kind here since the witch that brought him here brought him alone many years ago when she went to Japan and came back when she was young. In fact that girl I saw had the same necklace that the woman had when she lived here. The fairies gave it to as a thanks to when she introduced them to cookies. All the woodlands took a liking to her I never met her personally but she did ask about me every so often.


So as you can see I am incorporating many different creatures from many different mythology's. I really just wanted to make something that had all different parts of the worlds myths. Mostly the ones I know and the ones I've taken a liking to but if anyone wants a specific myth put in I'd love to do so. This story is going to be mostly about myths and mythical things and if someone gives me a nice myth that I could incorporate if love to study it.

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