Chapter 2

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CW: miscarriages 

Vic woke up at about 4am to pee, because, well, she was pregnant. She was also feeling a little abdominal pain, but she just wrote that off as a classic pregnancy symptom since she was almost 12 weeks. The 8-week ultrasound confirmed the baby had a heartbeat, something Travis, Emmett, Vic and Theo were all so happy to hear.

She stumbled to the bathroom, trying to not wake Theo up since he was just recovering from a monster shift. She sat on the toilet and wiped her eyes, touching her belly. She was barely showing, but it was relaxing to have that special connection with her future god baby/niece or nephew.

But when she stood up to flush, she received the shock of her life.

"Theo!" She cried. "Theo," She was panicking so bad, but luckily he woke up and ran into the bathroom so quickly.

"What is it? Are you okay?" He also panicked, holding his hands out like he didn't know what to do with them.

"I'm bleeding." She said, clutching her belly. "We, we need to get to the emergency room now."

"Okay, okay. It's gonna be okay." He led her out, grabbing two pairs of shoes as they walked down the hallway and out of the house. They had never driven off a driveway so fast in their lives, making the about 10-minute drive to Grey Sloan.

They mostly drove in silence, Theo holding Vic's left hand and rubbing it with his thumb. He was trying so hard to not think of the worst, but when you're pregnant and bleeding, there's only so much positive thinking you can do before you move on to thinking about the worst-case scenarios.

"Oh my god." Vic shot her head to look at Theo. "We need to call Travis and Emmett."

Theo's heart instantly sank. They were so excited to have this baby.

"I can't talk to them..." She admitted, dialling Travis's number anyway.

"I'll do it." Theo nodded, Vic putting the phone on speaker and holding it in the middle of the car, even though her hands were shaking so much she was scared she was going to drop the phone.

It rang so many times. It wasn't like Travis to not pick up a call from Vic, especially now she was pregnant with his baby, but, it was 4am. He was definitely asleep.

Then he picked up, whispering a sleepy "Hello?"

"Travis." Theo said in a really serious voice.

"What's wrong?" His normal voice came out. There was also some shuffling on their side of the line, clearly showing that Emmett had also just woken up.

"You need to get to the E.R. Vic's bleeding."

Both men gasped and the phone was disconnected. Vic couldn't contain her tears anymore - she was actively crying and all Theo could do was reassure her it was going to be okay. He didn't believe that himself though, and neither did Vic.

After what seemed like an eternity, they were pulling into the parking lot of Grey Sloan. They walked together to the entrance of the E.R, looking around to see if Travis and Emmett had arrived. While Vic was checking herself in, the two men arrived and ran so fast to Theo, giving him hugs and words of comfort, even though Travis and Emmett were actually the ones who needed said words.

"Okay, Dr. DeLuca has been called out of a surgery, we can make our way to the OB floor now." Vic said, not being able to look at Travis or Emmett. The four of them walked up to the floor, taking a seat in the waiting room.

Travis was so anxious his leg wouldn't stop bouncing up and down. Emmett put his head on his shoulder. "It's gonna be okay. If this is one of the universe's cruel jokes, I guess we'll have to deal with it." He whispered, his voice shaking.

"I can't believe this is happening." He cried, wanting to support Vic, but she was sat on the far end of the row of chairs. She really didn't feel like talking to the parents of the baby she was losing.

5 minutes passed and Carina finally came into the waiting room to call the family in. "Victoria." She went for a hug but Vic declined.

"Can we just get this scan over and done with, please?" She frowned.

"Okay." She led them all into an exam room, giving Vic some privacy to take off the bottom half of her clothing. Travis, Emmett and Theo were all standing silently, nervously waiting to see anything on the ultrasound machine. "Before we start, bleeding at this part of the pregnancy can just be anything, no need to jump to drastic conclusions."

"I know what's happening." Vic sighed. "Could you just confirm it, please?"

Carina sighed and squirted the liquid onto her belly, turning the monitor and sound on.

And then the room fell silent trying to detect a heartbeat. Carina moved the probe around, praying to God there'd be a heartbeat. She didn't want to tell this family they'd be going home with no baby.

All hope was slowly being lost, until they heard it. The rhythmic thumping. Vic's head darted so fast onto the screen - she wanted to confirm she wasn't just hearing it in her head.

But then Carina's eyes widened. "What? What is it?" Vic panicked, seeing her face crack into a smile soon after.

"Well, I can confirm you are not having a miscarriage," You could feel the relief flood into the room. "But,"

"But what?" Emmett looked at Carina. "What is it?"

"Dr. DeLuca?" Travis was waiting so hard for Carina to finish her sentence.

"It's twins!" She rejoiced, turning the monitor around so everyone in the room could see. She pointed out the first sac, singling out the heartbeat so they could all hear it. She then moved the probe over, showing that there was indeed another sac, another heartbeat, another baby.

She gave them all a copy of the ultrasound each, obviously to show off to people, told them to be back for the 13-week ultrasound and said goodbye. As they walked out to the parking lot, Vic was still in shock. "I really thought I was losing your baby."

"I can't believe we're having twins." Emmett squeezed Travis's hand, then went in for a hug from Theo first, then from Vic.

"Thank you, Vic." Travis hugged her so tight. "You're incredible."

"I uh," Emmett broke the happy best friend hugging bubble. "I suppose we should tell the station now?"

"Oh god. I'm gonna be huge." Vic gasped, making the rest of them laugh. 

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