Chapter 6

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Everyone was on full-on baby mode in the Travis and Emmett household for the last few weeks. Vic and Theo had moved into the guest room (which was actually their old bedroom) because, according to Carina, Vic could go into labour at any minute. And for a house full of first responders who've seen how unpredictable childbirth is, they had decided to all be in one house just in case labour started during the night.

In the last week, Vic (and Emmett when he wasn't on Crisis One calls) would go to the station when Theo and Travis started their shifts to be close to more first responders, just in case. Vic thought it was a very extra idea, but Travis insisted she was not alone at any point. He just wanted Vic and his babies to be okay.

That morning, the group made it up to the beanery and they all heard a collective sigh.

"What?" Vic asked.

"You're STILL pregnant?!" Jack exclaimed. "That's my date guess gone. Damn it, those ten bucks could have paid for some beer..."

They all laughed, Vic already taking a seat at the table because all of her body was hurting. "Yes, unfortunately, these babies do not understand when it's time to come out." She pointed angrily to her huge bump and rolled her eyes.

"Won't be too long now hopefully." Emmett crossed his fingers, hoping that he'd meet his children very soon. And also so that Travis would stop stressing out himself and Vic. It was almost funny how many times he'd wake up in the night to make sure Vic hadn't gone into labour - though really the whole house would have heard if she did.

The team got breakfast together, and Maya even joined them that day. She'd usually be out at different stations for inspections/meetings, but she had a fun day of paperwork and other things that had to be done at some point, so she'd be in her office all day.

At line-up, Andy put Theo and Travis on different assignments, and none of them were put on Crisis One in an attempt to always keep someone available. It was a smart move and one that was definitely beneficial.

Just after Engine and Aid Car 19, which Travis was assigned to, was called out to a small fire, Vic felt a horrible pain. Bear in mind, this was the woman who never took Asprin for her cramps, no matter how painful they were, so when she yelled out in pain, the whole station shook.

Theo was busy surveying the hoses when he heard her scream, so he dropped them immediately and rushed up the stairs into the lounge. "Hey, hey." He looked at her. "You okay?"

"That's a silly question-" Vic shook her head whilst still experiencing the horrible pain. She began to take long and deep breaths to try and take her mind off the pain, but nothing was working, until a minute later, she was finally out of pain. She grabbed her phone out of her bag and opened the clock app to measure the length of time between contractions.

"You know I could do that." Theo crossed his arms before sitting down on the sofa where Vic was sitting. He took the phone also.

"Who's the one working a 24-hour shift?" She raised her eyebrows, taking her phone back.

"You make a fair point." He chuckled, kissing her forehead. He noticed she was feeling a little tense, so he laid down and signalled for her to lay down also. She laid, encased in his arms, trying to get some relief, but in all honesty, she was feeling really anxious and a little overwhelmed.

They stayed completely silent for a bit, both of them focusing on their breathing to calm them both down. But all of a sudden, Vic sat up so urgently. "We need to tell Travis and Emmett." She began to panic again.

"Well, first of all, if we tell Travis right now, he wouldn't be able to do his job right. So when he comes back, we'll tell him, alright?" Theo was the voice and reason, cupping Vic's face with his hands. "As for Emmett- I think he's at HQ just going through some final Paternity cover stuff so he can take leave. I will call him."

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