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Rei and Enji loved and still love each other very much. Shortly after graduating from UA they got married and two years later had Touya, a year later they had Fuyumi, 4 years later they had Natsuo, and 3 years later had Shoto. Enji and All Might were friends in high school, this carried into their young adult life, but after All Might became number one him and Enji didn't talk as much resulting in their friendship dieing. After losing his best friend Enji went into a frenzy and started to train his children harshly. Now he has trying to make amends with his children, However he has not seen the person he wants to apologize to the person he hasn't seen in 10 years, and the girl he loves. 

Dabi/Touya and the rest of the league are being manipulated by All For One to join the league. After Touya ran away from the hero commission All For One found him and  threatened that if he didn't join the LOV he would kill his family, Dabi agreed, to keep his family safe. Shigaraki was convinced by AFO that he would hurt and eventually kill his aunt and cousins. Toga was threatened by the safety of her little brother. *season 5 spoilers* Kurogiri/Oboro got his memories back before the stain incident, All For One forced him to stay in the LOV and if he didn't he would hurt and kill Shota, Hizashi, Nemuri, and Tensie, when he at first disagreed All For One sent Stain to go after Tensie as a warning that he wasn't kidding. He agreed and when he got caught he was revealed but when Shota and Hizashi walked into the room he was in, he almost cried, but when they started screaming a crying to him saying he could still be a hero, he cracked, but knowing if All For One fund out he sold out his whole secret his friends would be in danger, so he just did half of his face and said hospital. It broke his heart to do so but it was for their safety. Jin/Twice wasn't really forced much when he originally joined but when he wanted to leave AFO threatened that he would hurt Toga and all the friends he had made in the league, making him agree to staying with the LOV.  Most of the time they don't commit crimes and if they do it hurts them. When Dabi saw Shoto at the training camp he was so close to crying but he held back, Tomura seeing his cousin hurt him as well, Toga seeing how strong her little brother got. Mainly when they are at base they are goofing off and being crackheads. Even thought they don't have their real family's, they have each other and Hawks, with Dabi dating Hawks, Shigaraki dating Natsuo, Toga dating Ochako, and Oboro's crush on his two best friends (I have problems, any hurtful comments about my ships will be ignored and deleted and if they are so bad your comment will be reported)  

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