I'm sorry

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I woke up in a shitty mood, I guess I was so pissed because she called me out on my shit. Still I give her everything and she still acts like she owns me. I'll show her today that I'm not to be messed with. I got up and brushed my teeth got dressed in suit and headed to work. 

I felt a little hot and horny while in the car so a called up one of my previous assistants. All she was there for was sex. 

"Hey meet me in my office I need you right now." 

"Sure thing." 

I walked into the elevator and went up to my floor. I opened it and was greeted with a small petite blond in front of my office door. I picked her up and walked into my office. She giggled and I smirked. I placed her on my couch and undid my tie. 

I kissed her on her thighs while my hand explored her chest. I took off my shirt and pulled down her skirt. I slowly kissed up her leg to her pussy. I looked up at her and I freaked out a little. All I saw was... Y/n. Her squeaky NewYork accent interrupted my thoughts.

"You good Mr. Guro."

I nodded and continued every time I looked up all I saw was her.. Y/n. God how good she would taste, her pussy would be so sweet I could eat it all night. I sucked on her clit she squeaked and it made me angry. Why couldn't I do it to Y/n. I wanted her so bad but she didn't want me. I told her to hush and I played with her, using my fingers and tongue, if she liked it imagine how Y/n would feel. I soon heard a knock and click at the door. She screamed after Y/n gasped. She shut the door, I stood up and wiped my fingers off on a napkin and fixed my suit. 

"Are you seriously not going to do anything! She walked in like she owned the fucking place. Bitch." I spun around.

"Don't you ever open your mouth to form those words. Get the fuck out of my office. Now." She ran out after getting dressed and I walked to Y/n's office. I knocked quietly. 

"We need to discuss business. Come into my office please." I heard a no from behind the door. I hated when she disobeyed me but when she said that it made me even more hot. I felt tightening in my pants.

"Excuse me." I managed to say. She didn't speak and it made me so angry. 

"Ms. Y/n, Who the fuck do you think you are." She made me question my existence. I adjusted myself before I walked in. She looked terrified from behind the desk. I put on a straight face without trying to show how aroused I was. 

"Huh, who do you think you are." I closed the door and walked up to her. She was so scared but why. 

I put her in a corner and said "You work for my company. I own you. I will own you in more ways than just one. So I suggest you act like my assistant and not like my boss. That will get you no where because guess what..."

Every time I looked at her she made me even more horny. So I yelled something out before I would attack her neck and make her mine. 

"You are nothing without me, you have a luxury life because of me. If you didn't have me you would still be working a minimum wage job struggling to pay rent. You are nothing without me." Fuck why would I say that. Jesus christ. Her eyes locked into mine, a tear falling from her eye. She dropped to the floor, I wanted to pick her up off the floor but I know that it wouldn't be ideal to show her who's boss. 

"Get up and come into my office after you're done sulking in pity." I walked out and closed the door. I went back into my office and sat behind the desk and took it out began to stroking. All I could think about was her, I was being way to forceful I know but fuck the look in her eyes made me lust for her even more. I heard a knock at the door. "Come in." She didn't dare to look at me. I needed to end this silence.

"What's this furniture you want." She opened her laptop and typed in her password I assume and showed me tabs with a lot of furniture. I told her to go get me coffee while I purchased these things. After I bought everything I saw a notification from Messages that had Geto on it.

Sorry but I'll have to speak to Toji about it.

I texted him on my phone to not worrying about replying to her. I got a call from the kitchen. I answered.


"Hello Mr. Fushiguro the um assistant arrived here and she looked to be in shambles. Is she alright?"

"Chef tell me where the fuck this questioning is coming from. It doesn't matter how you think she is feeling."

"I understand Toji I jus-."

"I don't need your questions, you and her work for me there's no reason you should be asking if she's ok. Get my coffee up here before I fire your ass." 

Why is everyone in this company beginning to test my patience. Like they own the store this shit is ridiculous. I tilt my head back and sigh. Then I hear a knock, perfect timing. "You don't need to knock." She acts like I'll kill her if she doesn't knock.

I heard her mumble something under her breathe, I hate when she does that. Stood up and walked up to her grabbing her face in my hand. "I'm sick of your complaining and mumbling. Speak up tell me what you said." God she looked so pretty when she was under me. I threw her face out of hand I was so tempted to stick something in that mouth to make her stop complaining but I needed to keep it a little PG-13. 

"Fuck you slut. Next time speak up before I make you speak up. All of your bullshit is ordered and will be delivered to your house in 3 to 4 days. I hired people to assemble it." I knew she was upset but I wanted to see how far I could push her.

"Oh also, don't message my friends without my consent, I own you remember you don't get to message people like that. They would never want you anyway your too pathetic. All they know is I've already gotten to you before they could." I could see her eyes fill with tears and she rushed out of my office. 

Damnit Y/n I'm sorry but seeing you cry turned me on. Everything about you turned me on. I couldn't escape you. Now I know I fucked up so I need to fix it. I took an hour to calm 'that' down before I left. I drove to her house and opened the door with an extra key I had. I heard crying from the bedroom. I walked quietly to the room. I saw her in the pitch black room under the covers. 

I made my presence known before I closed the door. 

"Go away please." She sounded so defeated, I loved when she was her bubbly angry self. This was not her and this was all because of me. 

"I'm sorry princess, I know I fucked up. I don't know why but today I broke I got so angry for no reason and I took it out on you. I think why I said more rude things is because every time I looked at you I got so turned on. I loved seeing you cry but it still made me so upset. I know you won't forgive me that easily but I'm sorry. I just... I." I felt like I shouldn't say it. But I know what I want.

He sat on my bed and apologized. I know it was the bare minimum but it meant so much. He never apologized. After he finished I knew what he was trying to say. I wiped my tears off with the blanket and sat up slowly. He looked at me. I moved towards him and sat in his lap facing him.

"I love you Y/n. I love you too much to explain. The moment I saw you I fell." I kissed his lips and held him so close. He put his hands around my hips and he held me. I'm so glad I just got off my period. 

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