19: Show the World

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A/N: again, thanks for bearing with the irregular updates. Love y'all

Thunderous applause exploded from the audience as Izuku stepped out into the arena. On the far side, Izuku could see Shinso walking out as well.

"HEYOOO everybody!!" Mic screeched, "Here comes the event that we've ALL been waiting for! Get ready for match number one!"

Ojiro sat on the edge of his seat (even though he usually had to anyway, since his tail was always in the way) and glanced nervously at the battlefield.

Uraraka looked away from her nervous classmate and focused on Midoriya again. It was hard to see from a distance, but Midoriya's expression was obviously conflicted. His eyebrows were scrunched, and his fists tightened and loosened.

"Why does he look so... troubled?" She wondered out loud.

"He's hesitating." A voice sounded from a few seats away, and Uraraka realized it was Bakugo.

"Hesitating... because of what?" She asked.

Bakugo scoffed, his expression darkening, "Who the hell knows? That nerd's always up to something."

"Without further ado," Mic's voice screamed after he finished explaining the basic rules to the audience, "let the battle begin! READY..."

Shinso's face dimmed and contempt glinted in his eyes.


"Class A, eh?" Shinso began, his voice dripping with venom, "So that chimp with the disgusting, big fat tail was from your class? What a shame for flushing his good old chances down the toilet... I swear, if all of your classmates are as retarded as him, you really are disappointing."

Izuku held his ground and did not reply. His mouth was pressed into a thin line, his eyebrows furrowed.

Say something.

Don't. You can't lose here.

I need to reply. If I don't, Shinso will lose this chance to show the potential of his quirk and get transferred to the hero course.

No, you can't lose. Don't reply.

I need to.

Izuku opened his mouth but shut it again.

Shinso frowned at Izuku's inaction and grunted. A flicker of panic leaked from the purple-haired boy's gaze but was quickly masked away. The crowd was getting bored with the lack of action. Some were shouting for the teens to move.

"Get off your freaking high horse, hero course," Shinso hissed and started marching over.

Izuku's mind was tearing in half. One decision could ruin everything.

"You think you're so powerful, don't you?" The opponent said as he came closer.

Hurry up and decide, Izuku...

Shinso scoffed, "You think someone who stands there hesitating like a freaking turd can make a difference? I wonder what nerve in your brain got fried that you thought you could be a hero and help anyone."

Suddenly, there was a flash of green light, and Shinso felt a strong force knock him back and slam him to the ground. His head crashed onto the cement ground and a piercing pain shot through his body. He tried to take a breath and get up but he couldn't budge.

Izuku was holding Shinso down to the ground in the center of the arena.

"WOAHHHH!" Mic yelled, "What a quick plot twist! I thought Midoriya was just gonna stand there and wait to get slapped or something, but man, that was FAST!"

The audience cheered in excitement.

"Hero course, if you think..." Shinso started, his voice wavering.

"You're right, Shinso, you reminded me," Midoriya replied calmly, his conflicted expression already gone, "I'm here to make a difference."

His emerald eyes blanked.

Shinso blinked. The hero course boy replied, I thought he saw through my quirk.

Shinso shoved the green-haired boy's stiff body off of him with a grunt. The audience gasped.

"Gah! I told him not to say anything!" Ojiro hugged his head in defeat.

"What happened?!" Uraraka held her hand to her mouth.

"It's the other guy's quirk," Ojiro explained, "Midoriya was doing a good job not responding, until now. It's game over. He's brainwashed now."

"Get up," Shinso ordered a brainwashed Midoriya.

Midoriya complied and got up stiffly.

"Turn around and walk off the arena."

Midoriya turned around and started ambling toward the border. The audience watched in apprehension.

Shinso's shoulders relaxed. He felt irritated that the hero course boy was brainwashed smack in the middle of the arena, so the edge was farther away than Shinso wanted.

But it was done.

He waited patiently for his victory and watched the green-haired boy walk closer to the border.


It's done. I'm done. I messed up. This is terrible.

Thoughts flew through Izuku's murky head chaotically. He tried to feel his movements, but he couldn't.

I'm gonna lose in the very first round.

At least I said something. At least the nation now sees Shinso's quirk.

He deserved it. He worked hard for this. I needed to say something so that he can make it to the hero course.

I did the right thing.

Did I do the right thing?

What would happen if I lost? Nothing, right? I mean... it's just the sports festival...


He doesn't want to use his fire. He needs to use his fire. That's who he is. I need to help him realize that...

He can figure it out by himself. Not everyone depends on you, Izuku.

Not everyone depends...

'Show the world, "I am here"!'

...All Might told me that...

...But I'm not strong enough, I can't break free.

'You're next.'

...But All Might placed... no, everyone placed their trust in me...

I ... I need to win!

...Wake up!

Stop walking!

It can't end...

'Need a hand, little guy?'

A pair of crisp, bright eyes pierced the murky darkness. Seven more pairs followed suit.

A bolt of lightning shot through Izuku's veins. Power surged through his body, and roaring noises pierced his mind.

Then, for a split second, everything felt still.

Black whip-like tendrils exploded across the arena and toward the sky.

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