29: Hosu

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"Is Togata not here today?" Izuku asked on the third day of internship week when he arrived.

"Nope, he's busy with school work," Bubble Girl replied, "I think he mentioned that finals were coming soon. But anyway, what do you think about the internship? Is it fun at a hero's workplace?"

"Yeah, I've learned a lot."

"That's great. How's the new case going for you?"

Izuku squinted, "What new case?"

"You know, the quirk-destroying bullet case?"

Izuku did a double take, then felt his heartbeat quicken, "I'm... Not really familiar with it yet...?"

What the hell did Sir Nighteye tell his sidekick?! How am I supposed to respond to that?!

"Oh," she looked surprised, "He seemed really set on letting you help us out with this case, so I assumed that he already got you started with it. Well, anyway, we're investigating this underground organization right now. Since you're here the entire week, you can help us organize some documents."

"Oh, ok," Izuku breathed. It looked like he was just being treated as an intern helping out with miscellaneous agency tasks. "I'll... go talk to Sir."

He burst into Nighteye's room, then closed the door.

"I thought you didn't mention my involvement!" Izuku's remaining panic leaked through his voice.

"I didn't," the hero sipped from his coffee, "I asked them to involve you. Makes it more realistic, don't you think? You're gonna be there for the rescue anyway, assuming that you get your license. May as well start making your participation normal now."

Izuku sighed but nodded in agreement.

"Plus..." Nighteye added with no expression whatsoever, "It's funny seeing you pretend not to know anything."

Izuku almost rolled his eyes. He wasn't worried about exposing his time travel since he was pretty good at hiding that now, but it was still annoying. "I wouldn't say it's funny..."

Suddenly, Nighteye's face darkened. "Are you saying you have no sense of humor?"

"No! Uh, it's hilarious! Ha! Ha!"

"Your lack of humor is incurable," the hero's gaze remained cold, "Just go along with the sidekicks and help them with small tasks since you'll be here for workplace training anyway. You can start this afternoon."

Izuku suddenly fell quiet.

"What?" Nighteye asked.

"About that..." Izuku knew Nighteye was strict, but still -- it felt wrong not to tell him. "I'm probably going to Hosu this afternoon, and if things go bad, I might miss the rest of the week."

"Hosu? Is this another meager attempt at humor?"

"It's very likely that the Hero Killer will be there this evening," Izuku blurted, afraid to look up. Just two days ago, Nighteye had given him a lecture on the consequences of not having a hero license. But Izuku needed to go, because... "My friend will be there, too."

"You're actually serious," Sir Nighteye sighed. "So I'm guessing that even if I tell you that both of us will get in trouble, I won't be able to stop you from going?"

Izuku bit his lip and shook his head. He would've asked Nighteye to go with him, but both of them knew that it would only complicate the situation since Nighteye never went to other cities for missions, even if it was going to be the Hero Killer.

"And you do know that...if you die," Nighteye continued, "the quirk that All Might entrusted to you, and all of his efforts over the years, would go to waste?"

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