36: The Crushing of U.A.

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The day of the provisional license exam.

Izuku was assigned to a testing site different from his last life and couldn't help but stare at the stadium in awe. This stadium was even larger than the one before, its exterior a myriad of white and sky blue.

"Let's go," Aizawa stepped off the bus and led Izuku toward the structure and through its tall glass doors.

"Woah," Izuku breathed as he took in the interior of the registration hall. It had a tall ceiling and a floor with white marble tiles that made it look more like a fancy hotel lobby than a testing site.

"Isn't this...not your first time?" Aizawa muttered as he watched Izuku stare at the ceiling.

"I've never been to this stadium before."

Aizawa grumbled, "...or this exam entirely. Whatever risk you're taking today better be worth it because I had to wake up early for this."

"Thank you for being here. I'm going to do whatever it takes to get my license," Izuku bowed.

Because Eri needs me.

"Good luck, I'll be in the audience stand."

Aizawa left and Izuku went to the locker room to change into his hero costume. After that, the boy followed a swarm of students into a large room similar to the holding area from the last license exam.

An ocean of students was crammed here, and a giant screen at the front displayed the words, "Provisional License Exam Orientation."

As Izuku settled in the crowd, he noticed people around him whispering and tossing glances at him, but he ignored them.

"Attention," a woman's voice boomed in the hall through the speakers. Izuku fixed his gaze on the announcer at the front stage.

"On behalf of the Public Safety Commission, welcome to the provisional license exam. I will now announce the rules for this exam. Please listen carefully."

A palpable tension arose from the candidates around Izuku. He was nervous, too. The exam content changed every time, and he was going into this with no prior experience.

"The exam would be divided into two parts. I will only explain part one, as part two will be revealed to those who pass part one.

"In part one, each of you will be given two wristbands, each with ten lights that represent the amount of points you have. You start with eight points, so four lights on each wristband are already lit. Your objective is to take away points from other candidates and obtain twenty points in total, lighting up both wristbands entirely."

The gears in Izuku's head spun rapidly. Already, this test was a lot different than the one before, which involved a dodgeball-like elimination game.

"There are two ways to take points," the announcer lady motioned to the huge screen, which displayed a diagram of the wristband, "the first way is by pressing a button located on the side of each wristband, which will activate a light beam. Point the light beam at your opponent, and their points will automatically transfer to you, one point per two seconds exposed under the light."

Izuku carefully watched the on-screen animation. Basically, the first way to get points was like shining a flashlight at someone. It seemed simple, but he knew capturing a hero trainee with such a narrow light for two seconds would be impossible if the opponent wasn't immobilized or caught off guard.

"The second way," the announcer continued, "is through attacks. With your wristbands, you will also receive additional damage trackers to place on your bodies. The amount of damage needed for a point varies by person, but expect each point to represent about three to four percent of the impact you can take in normal training circumstances."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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