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A dull breeze made someone's long beautiful dark hair sway in the wind. The brisk wind caused that certain someone to wake up, golden eyes fluttering open as a result.

The girl sighed in annoyance, grabbing the hair type that was firm on her wrist and swiftly tying her hair up in a high ponytail. The hair tie was like a ribbon, two red strings dangling after finishing putting her hair up.


"Ha... Maybe taking a nap on the balcony wasn't the best idea." The assassin sighed while mumbling, remembering it being late and wanting to get a good nap in.

Now it was early morning, the sun just barely starting to come up. Shian clicked her tongue, thinking about her plans for the day.

"What was I going to do today? Ah, right. I was going to sleep." Shian, who wasn't able to get much sleep most of the time, had a day after what seemed like ages and decided to spend it doing her favorite thing, sleeping.

Well, all those plans were thrown out of the window when one of the crazy bastards she has taken in to care for let herself into her room.


A gentle wind blew in her room. Slowly, small, ash-like white stars appeared in the middle of her room.

The gently shining white stars were surrounding a person with very long white hair.

Their beautiful white eyes looked tired. They stared straight at Shian before slowly starting to walk towards the balcony door.

"I don't remember giving you permission to suddenly teleport into my room, Star."

Shian said with an annoyed voice.

Star ignored her comment and entered the balcony of Shian's room. Their beautiful long white hair was spreading on the ground.

They were wearing a vintage White dress with matching heels. Their pale skin was filled with crack-like scares.

"Let's go play, Shian."

Shian raised her eyebrows.

'...Are they using all of their batteries?'

Shian was a bit shocked. It was because Star was quite famous for always being tired and having three kinds of batteries to help regulate her actions and feelings.

An emotion battery, energy battery, and socializing battery.

She seemed to be using all three of them at once right now.

"Go play with the others. I am busy."

Star titled their head.

"You don't seem busy at all."

"I am very busy sleeping."

Star frowned.

'...No way!'

Shian's sleepiness vanished in less than a second.

Star suddenly seemed overwhelmed with emotions. Shian jumped to her feet and grabbed their hands.

"O-Okay! Let's go play!"

Star smiled a little. Shian couldn't even lament about getting separated from her slacker life after seeing that small smile.

After all, Star's smile was quite precious.

A small group outside the door frame of Shian's room silently cheered in success. After all, who could say no to Star's smile? The group quietly snickered, though soon running off after seeing Star lead Shian by the hand, going into the room.

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