First gift

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The spear turned into a bracelet again as Han Yoojin landed on Riette's head. As he wore the bracelet again, he took out a mana potion to drink. He felt worn out and turned off his teacher's skill.

'Too many S classes, including Kang Soyoung in her present state...'

Han Yoojin thought. He wanted to go home and lie down.

'Where is Sung Hyunjae? He is completely late. I should message him to go back.'

But more importantly...

‘How can I get Yoohyun's memories back?'

Han Yoojin wished they returned on their own and turned his head to look at his younger brother when a loud sound rang in his ears.

He flew in the air and did not understand what was going on even when he sank to the ground. He forced himself to raise his head and smelled blood everywhere.

Han Yoojin saw someone standing far away from where the giant had fallen. He used his skill to see who it was.

[Awakened: Choi Seokwon (A member of the Vacant Sea

Current Stat Class: SSS

Class Capacity A~S]

He could not believe what he was seeing. Choi Seokwon's stat class had increased from when he had been a giant.

Han Yoojin saw the fear resistance message window in front of himself and felt like the smell of blood clawed at his brain.

'Since there aren't any other messages, I must be safe for now.'

"...Choi Seokwon!"

Han Yoojin shouted as he raised his body. Choi Seokwon was also looking at him. Han Yoojin clenched his teeth while looking around.

The first thing he saw was the fallen black dragon, and she was deeply bleeding from one of her shoulders. She had not lost consciousness, but Riette only glared and gritted her teeth as she could not get up.

Han Yoojin also saw Kang Soyoung, who was lying on the ground, unconscious.

Song Taewon had barely managed to raise his upper body, and Han Yoojin saw blood.

Noah was lying down amidst the ruins, and his golden wings lay limp. Han Yoojin knew that while Noah did not move, since the last grace had not been activated, he would be alive.

"You couldn't have gotten that kind of power without a price."

Han Yoojin moved towards Choi Seokwon, who was wearing armor similar to the giant. Choi Seokwon's skin, where Han Yoojin could see it, was pale like a corpse. His hair was murky blue like the fog, and Han Yoojin could see that his eyes were not human.

"Tell me what you gave up."

Han Yoojin took a deep breath and looked sideways to see his brother. He was conscious and was watching them with a pale face.

Han Yoojin saw blood having spread nearby. While he grew cold inside, his brother was still all right. Han Yoojin smiled at Choi Seokwon again.

"It must be something big, and I can help."

"You can?"

Seokwon Choi finally opened his mouth, and his voice was dry and rough.

"How can you?"

"I know that jellyfish you made the contract with since we tend to meet now and then. Since you're not your normal self, will you become a monster? Or is that your last flame before going out?"

Choi Seokwon sneered at Han Yoojin's words.

"First, it was half of my remaining life. Now, I have a day left. The first was a trap."

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