Third gift

48 5 22

[Star Stream is shaking in shock!]

"Phew. We survived..."

Getting that robe was much more of a hassle than any of the group could have imagined. Why was kidnapping someone while running away from one of the most overpowered people in that universe so hard?

"A-ah, ah..."

The shocked designer was currently being held bridal style by Violet because of the chaos that happened in the 'Who Made Me a Princess' and being chased down by the one and only, Lucas.

"What, am I too hot to handle?"

Violet teased, jokingly winking at the taller designer in her arms. Her grip on the designer became tighter. Though, unlike in a romance novel, he paled even more and struggled in her grip after processing everything.

'They're crazy... They're all crazy!'

The designer felt tears brimming from his eyes after Violet let him plop to the floor.

"Awe, he's on the verge of crying."

Yuna said in a coaxing manner that had the opposite effect, making most look away from this vicious smile on Yuna's face.

"Axar, please take him to the pocket dimension with... this note. The party squad can deal with him for now."

Alis said, scribbling down something on a sticky note quickly.

Axar, who was gulping after hearing Yuna's words, put his hood down and nodded with a bit of a smile.

"Excuse me, mister, please don't struggle."

Axar says apologetically to the shaking designer, soon enough knocking him unconscious after grabbing his head and slamming it on the concrete, causing a bit of blood to spurt out of his head and become unconscious.

'Vicious... They're all vicious.'

Violet sweatdropped and saw Axar pick up the designer on his back, waving goodbye and teleporting away.

"So what world are we in no-"


Everyone turned to the sound.


Then they became dumbfounded.

"... Isn't that Tati-unnie?"

Alis said with hesitation.

The reliable God of Knowledge didn't answer at first, too busy smacking her book one more time on the head of now unconscious Yoo Jonghyuk.

Tati stood up, bending her knees and kicking Yoo Jonghyuk roughly with a click on her tongue.

"Hello, Alis. You guys are already here?"

Alis gulped and didn't answer. Even Yuna was feeling chills, so it couldn't be helped.

'...Is this really the quiet and I-don't-like-violence unnie we know?'

They were starting to doubt the meaning of life at this point.

Yuna decided to sacrifice herself and opened her mouth.

"... Unnie, why are you here?"

Tati, who was carefully cleaning her book with a handkerchief, raised her head and nonchalantly answered.

"I came to buy some supplies for the party."

Yuna tried to not look at the unconscious Yoo Jonghyuk and Kim Dokja on the ground, nor the members of Kim Dokja's company that were still imprisoned inside a very strong barrier, and asked another question with a lot of hesitation.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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