𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 | Welcome to the team, M/n!

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Previously on, Kindness Prevails All

Munseong put his phone away before saying, "Right now.. the best thing we can do for him, is to stop watching."

I then mumbled quietly while looking down, "Yeah.. Munseong's right."

Bomi then sat across from me and Munseong before saying, "I hope he wins..."

"I hope so too..." I added.


I then sigh as I looked out of the window.

'I really hope he wins.. I would feel terrible is he doesn't honestly.. yes Hobin is.. strong-ish but.. I still can't help but worry like this...'  I thought before being snapped out of my thoughts by Bomi.

"M/n? You okay?"  She asked in a slightly worried tone.

I quickly changed my small frown into a smile before saying,  "H-Huh? Oh I'm fine haha!"

She then raised an eyebrow and said,  "Are you sure? Because I could have sworn I saw a frown on your face a few seconds ago.."

'I wasn't fast enough.. T-T'  I thought as I just chuckled quietly.

"Okay yeah you caught me.. I'm just really worried about Hobin.. I mean me being apart of his team now I just—"  I was cut off as I heard Bomi gasp.

"You're apart of his team?!"  Both Bomi and Munseong asked in unison.

"Huh? Oh yeah! Haha Munseong I told you this already, remember?"  I say as I laugh a bit after seeing the looks on their faces.

Munseong then looked down to hide his face that was a bit red due to embarrassment.

He then mumbled, "I.. forgot."

Flashback, Two weeks ago.

It was after school. I couldn't walk home with Munseong after school because Jihyeok and Gaeul wanted to talk to me about something.

I also asked one of my coworkers to take over for my shift at the cafe to which they did, so I didn't need to worry about going to work today.

I arrived at the meeting place, which was a small but cute cafe.

"M/n! Over here!"  I hear someone say.

I turn to see Eul and Jihyeok already here.

I smiled and walked over to the table.

"Hey guys!"  I exclaimed happily as I sat down.

"So, what did you guys want to talk about?"  I asked curiously.

Jihyeok put on a serious face before saying,  "M/n, we need your help."

I raised an eyebrow as I notice the change in his expression. I looked over at Eul to see she also has the same expression.

"O-Oh.. well what do you need help with..?"  I ask a bit hesitantly.

Jihyeok crossed his arms before asking,  "We need another editor for the channel. As you know, Eul is our editor but she'll need some help. Will you become our second editor?"

𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐬 𝐀𝐥𝐥  ||  Viral hit x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now