Part 8

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Hello yall wow I wanna say thanks you for over 500 reads like honestly 😭✋ and hopefully I can start posting chapters more frequently ;)

Warnings: angst, deaths, violence, blood, swearing, weapons.




It had been a few days since that event as the two had been staying home for a couple of days. Mikey had been staying near takemichi not wanting him to leave him, but takemichi had to go out to buy groceries, so it was kinda his first time coming back from out of his house, but mikey didn't really want his mitchy to go.

"Mikey I promise I won't be long just stay here for just a few minutes.." takemichi said but mikey pleaded that he go along with takemichi.

"But mitchy-"

"No buts manjiro the store is only 11 minutes from here I'll be fine and I told you to rest you havent been sleeping properly! Dont think I wouldn't notice the eye bags under your eyes" takemichi said touching the side of mikeys cheeks.

"That doesn't matter mitchy! Ever since you told me about the future mitchy... I worry somethings gonna happen! And if I'm not there with you i-"

"Mikey", mikey's thoughts broke away from the sound of takemichi's voice, as takemichi just gave him a small smile.

"Its fine my love, I know you will come to protect me" takemichi said and mikey just sighed while holding onto takemichis hands.

"Kay... but make it back home early, text me if anything happens or even call if so!" Mikey said and takemichi nodded as he put his shoes on, and gave mikey a quick kiss before heading out to go to the store.



(Time skip)

When takemichi had arrived to the supermarket he walked around pulling out his list of things he was supposed to get, as he traveled through each section of the store he kept feeling this weird presence of someone following him.

He kept close to large groups of people in the store but in the corner of his eyes he felt the eyes of someone on him yet he didn't wanna turn around to find out so he rushed to each part of the store to grab what he needed to head to the cash register.

Once he got to the cash register he quickly texted mikey saying something was off, as if someone was watching him. Mikey obviously worried told takemichi to run home as fast as he could and that he would rush to get him.

Takemichi then paid for the stuff and started to speed walk out of the supermarket, he quickly glanced back to see if someone was behind him or not but to his surprise no one, but this scared him more on where did they go then, so he then continued walking but called mikey quickly.

"mitchy?! What's going on?!" Mikey said, "I don't know mikey I have a feeling someone's following me or multiple even.." takemichi said but just as he said that, takemichi's phone was smacked out of takemichi's hands onto the street, as takemichi gasped at the sudden action he turned to his left to see three guys standing there, in the valhalla jackets and it struck him that hanma must of been following him this whole time.

"Mitchy?! TAKEMITCHY?!" Mikey yelled through but no response, so he quickly put on his shoes as he ran to the garage to get his motorcycle and hopefully spot were takemichi is.



"Your takemichi arent cha?" The first man said and takemichi just stood there trying to find a way to run away but his thoughts were cut off by the sudden clang of metal.

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